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don't mess around if bowels are acting up now they aren't going to get better! Get a prescription for a daily laxitive and start being prepared to using fleets every so often. Granted everyone is different but for me that's what I found works for me.
Hi Jen

The problem I've had with aspiration has been with thin liquids not with food. I guess everyone is different, but water is my main problem. I put too much in my mouth at one time and before I know it I'm coughing trying to get it out of my lungs. Just this morning I woke up wheezing, sounded sort of like a whistle when I would exhale. I think it was from swallowing water yesterday that went into my lungs.

I think the main way to prevent either food or water from going down the wrong way is put small amounts in the mouth at one time, which I'm bad about not doing.

Let us know how the visit to the ALS clinic worked out.

God Bless
Big AL:)
Problem Sympton or Slow Down Sympton

Thanks for the response everyone...

This disease is really a strange one.. We had a great weekend and I hope everyone else did as well... Friday night was great not a cough in sight, Sat. another great day with the excpetion of phelgm in the early afternoon, Sunday great all day and then Sunday night 9pm dad had dinner... Baked ziti with the crusty corners and he was clearing his throat... Then graham crackers and milk and cough after cough and boy was he mad... This I am sure makes it worse cause he tightens his muscles up..

As long as he is coughing and getting down then we tell him this means slow down cause he eats so fast and puts in so much at once... Perhaps it is just slow down time?

What do you all think any suggestions besides the obvious?

Just a thought here, do you or your family know how to do the Heim·lich maneuver ? Just in case he gets some food hung up halfway, it might save his life. I know I've used it before on people and it worked. I learned it as part of my fireman training back when I was a fireman, but you can find more info on the internet and at your local red cross office if you want to pursue this.

God Bless
Big AL
Hi All:
Not sure if this fits in here, but when trying to drink thin liquids, choking can be a problem when the head is tilted back. What we did is notched a nose cutout on the rim of the glass so that the liquid could be drunk, and still keep the chin down.

There are other ways of avoiding choking like using thickeners and stuff, but really... can you imagine red wine like that? Needless to say, most of our "nosey" glasses were wine goblets that I ground-down with a high speed dremel.
Necessity is the mother of invention. Now I know why that 256 piece Dremel tool for the son in law last Christmas was a good idea.
Good Idea T

ANother idea I can try. Thanks T, get tired of all that hacking and coughing.
God Bless
Big AL:mrgreen:

Thanks everyone that is a great idea I will keep that one in our book of tricks.....

I hope everyone is doing well this week...

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