Happy Birthday Ladave

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Happy birthday Dave, hope you have a great day with your family & loved ones. :-D

Best wishes

Jeannie xxx
OK Dave I'll jump on the bandwagon and wish you all the best and hope you have many more. Al
Thanks! I'm going to dinner with a group of friends and then we're going country-western dancing. Woo-hoo!

Have a great time time tonight! Happy birthday and may you have many, many more!

Happy Birthday

:p :) Hope you had a great day but I hate to break it to you don't you know country and western is of the devil!? :rolleyes:

Woops.... just a joke. LOL

Sorry I'm sure you like it and just as long as you do that's all that counts.

Hi Dave:
Happy birthday. I think that I'll refrain from passing comment on country and western music... Cowboys were, by the way a derrogatory term for "cow drovers". The term cowboys grew from a pervceived notion that came from the fact that, out on the range, there as a shortage of women... and an abundance of cows. Gives a whole new slant on the term cowpoke too! I wonder if that had any influence on the music around the campfire? I digress! Have fun!


Well thanks for the good wishes everyone. I had a great birthday! Legs are still working well enough for me to get out on the dance floor and do my thing- it will be a big loss when I can't do that anymore, which is motivation to stick with my physical therapy. As for country music- well, arent there lots of cowboys in Canada? Is this one of those "east" vs. west" Canadian things we Americans don't get? Besides, Canada gave the world Gordon Lightfoot, Ian Tyson and k.d. lang. Anyway, I'm a dancer, not a cow-poke (or any connotation of that word, lol).

Y'all take care now, hear?:)
Happy Belated Birthday Dave.

Big country music fan, eh? I don't suppose you have a CB radio too?

How did you know it was Dave's birthday Jeannie?
Wow, everybody is having a birthday but me! ha... I like to see other people getting older except me. Hope all had a great day, and keep on dancing, and dancing and dancing... Best wishes to all..

Hi Gang. In case you weren't familiar with it there is a calendar function at the top of the page. Click on it and go to what ever month you want and you can post your birthday or any worthwhile event for all to see. If I'm not mistaken when your day comes up there is a notice at the bottom of the forum page. Sooo if you want everyone to wish you a happy birthday you are all set. Carol doesn't want to be reminded but I think it's in one of the archived posts. I 'll keep yours secret Carol.
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