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I think the sleep study might be helpful. Although REM is important, REM or dream state sleep, is not actually the deep restful sleep the doctors are looking for. It is the non-REM stages of sleep with increased delta wave activity that help determine how "restful" sleep is for the body. There are other components as well, such as looking at oxygen levels and airway restriction. As Rose mentioned there are a number of symptoms that can be explained by sleep distrubances.

Obviously, sleep quality is not going to be the answer to all your symptoms, but if there is a sleep issue that can be addressed you might find yourself with more energy to tackle the day.

Halloween certainly has changed since I was a kid. We take the kids to their elementary school "trunk in treat." Thirty minutes later (literally) they have at least as much candy as my brother and I would troving neighborhoods with friends for a couple of hours.

I too am too tired tonight to think about anything wise to say about your tests. However, I will most definitely keep you in my thoughts and prayers. It is probably tougher not knowing than knowing-I'm not sure.
Anyway, we just got home from a week in Myrtle Beach, can't wait to figure out how to put pictures of my boys on here. Maybe tomorrow,
For now, pizza, diet coke, and at least 2 loads of clothes are calling me!
Happy Sunday to all,
Hey April

I have been kind out of the picture too. Could not sleep tonight, my pain meds. at first helped me sleep but now they do the opposite. I am sorry you are still struggling and will keep you in my prayers. I know how those little ones can wear you down, but all worth it in the end. I actually had all my older kids come over to play a board game with me Friday night at midnight because I could not sleep. they stayed two hours and then I slept like a baby but had to be up with little ones by 7: 30 the next morning. I told my older three to come over more often, they apparently are more boring than the little ones because they put me to sleep the little ones keep me awake all Please keep me informed of your new test and how you are doing. I have some test this week and will let you all know what they suspect.

it sounds like you have wonderful kids! It always feels nice to have the comfort of your loved ones around.
I have been spending alot of time with my family these days....

I feel bad that your are not sleeping well. IF i dont get 9 hrs at least, I can barely function.

I have been trying to use tylenol for my back and neck painm, not really working. I hope this passes...

Yeah, my older ones have grown up to be really good people. I do have a little problem with the 23 year old managing his money but he moved out of the big house with big yard and in ground pool to a quit 2 bedroom apt. He said that should stop the parties and save him alot of money. Every time I turned around someone was wanting his pool for a party and he was footing the bill. If he has money all his friends have money. I told him it's nice to be generous but not used. My pain is in my shoulder blade down my right arm and the gave me percoset, then they had to raise the strength, I think that's when my problem sleeping started so he gave me xanax, not helping. I think we will figure something out this week and I will let you know how it goes. I really hope you get better. I am so use to going on no sleep, one if my 4 year olds and my 7 year old have always had sleep issues, to bed early but up every 4 hours, they never got over their infant sleep schedule the Dr's. say. That happens a lot with drug babies. I would like to kick some drug mommies butt most nights.
Hello April...I just wanted to say that I am sorry that you are so worried, and I understand. I will keep you in my prayers, that your anxieties can be assuaged.
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