Goodbye Chad Bowman...You'll be missed

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Active member
Dec 29, 2006
We in the ALS chat room received the unfortunate news that Chad-FL has passed away.
Yesterday morning he decided with his fiancee and family by his side to remove vent/bipap. This young man (34 years) had barely gotten past a first diagnosed and had just returned from the Mayo clinic to learn he had a very fast progression of ALS. His breathing deteriorated while at the clinic. He was to be married this Saturday.
So, Kelli if u read this please know he loved you very much and we will all miss him.
Chad is listed as CBOWMAN.
My heart and prayers go out to your family. Peace be with you Chad.
I am shocked and soooo sorry to hear about Chad I was really hoping the doctors were wrong. My heart goes out to his fiance, his family and friends .God Bless Pat:(
My deepest sympathies go out to Chad's family and friends. He wasn't here long but will be missed.AL.
Gosh, I hate to hear this--I didn't even know Chad was on a vent. I first traded posts with him on another (non-ALS) board in mid-January. He had originally been diagnosed with MMN and was experiencing what he thought was slight improvement with IVIG treatment. At the time, his doctor and infusion nurse still were telling him he had MMN but their information about ALS was not accurate. I gave him the right info and directed him over here.

This is just about the fastest progression I've ever heard of in a young person. RIP, Chad.
my thoughts and prays go out to chads fiance and his family this is so sad. It just goes and shows you how this disease effects everyone who has it differently. 34 is to young to die and something has to be done to help stop this disease. he is in a better place and god bless him and everyone who now misses him :cry:
So sorry to hear the news of Chad passing. Know that my thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends. God Bless, Rhonda
To my buddy

Oh my god,

Chad had become a really good friend of mine, we had been communicating via skype to one another and i had just spoken to him last week at the clinic. I'm speechless. I've never seen anything this fast.

Does anyone know the arrangements, i would like to send flowers?


My words can't even express the sadness I feel for the loss of Chad. It is hard to believe he is gone. He had sent me information and tried to help figure out my problems even when his were so very bad. From the little I knew of him, he was truly a giving person. I will miss hearing from his again. My deepest sympathy to his family, fiancee and friends. Leslie

AlmasDaddy said:
We in the ALS chat room received the unfortunate news that Chad-FL has passed away.
Yesterday morning he decided with his fiancee and family by his side to remove vent/bipap. This young man (34 years) had barely gotten past a first diagnosed and had just returned from the Mayo clinic to learn he had a very fast progression of ALS. His breathing deteriorated while at the clinic. He was to be married this Saturday.
So, Kelli if u read this please know he loved you very much and we will all miss him.
Chad is listed as CBOWMAN.
My heart and prayers go out to your family. Peace be with you Chad.
There are no words to say to Chads family & Fiance, that will lesson the grief. Just know we really care.EM

AlmasDaddy said:
We in the ALS chat room received the unfortunate news that Chad-FL has passed away.
Yesterday morning he decided with his fiancee and family by his side to remove vent/bipap. This young man (34 years) had barely gotten past a first diagnosed and had just returned from the Mayo clinic to learn he had a very fast progression of ALS. His breathing deteriorated while at the clinic. He was to be married this Saturday.
So, Kelli if u read this please know he loved you very much and we will all miss him.
Chad is listed as CBOWMAN.
My heart and prayers go out to your family. Peace be with you Chad.
There are no words to say to Chads family & Fiance, that will lesson the grief. Just know we really care.EM

I was out in the forest today and I was thinking how peaceful it is here, but I suppose heaven is even more peaceful and no more suffering up there. Must say I was shocked to read this tonight of his passing and so fast. My heart goes out to the family. Barry
May Chad rest in peace

May He Rest In Peace, My Deepest Condolences To His Fiancee And Family.
God Bless Him

Husband's Caregiver Dx 10/17/05
Baja California, Mexico
This is terrible news. Chad reached out to me when I was unnerved and expecting bad news at my own appointment. It is amazing that he was able to be so kind and thoughtful to others even as this disease was taking him from us. We corresponded privately and I feel like I have lost a friend. I know he was looking forward to marrying the woman he loved. To Kelli and his family, I am so sorry for your loss. We feel it too and knew Chad for just a short time.

Warmest wishes to you all, Cindy
I'm shocked and so very sad today to read of Chad's passing. This happened too fast.. and to such a young man. He grabbed a hold of us.. with his youth and strength. My heart goes out to his fiancee and his family.
I am completed deflated by this news. So sorry to hear and sad for the people that loved Chad. I have to say news like this scares the hell out of me.
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