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Jan 16, 2012
Hi everyone,been a year since I posted .Had the heavy metal test,came back high , 90% ,in lead ,cadmium,50%mercury,nickel,uranium, Volatile solvents were high as well,95%tile Benzene,Ethylbenzene,Toluene,Styrene,and then the NonDioxin like Polychlorinated Biphenyls,74,138,153,180.Been doing vitamin flushing over the counter Dr. prescribed,been 10 months'.Chelation scares me.In the mean time right hand was only affectedand since September left hand and legs staring to loose strength,Dr. in September wanted me to start CEFTRIAXONE injections,well got my insurance in order to pay for all this,now insurance denying the drug , research they say ,going to fight this with appeals , Not sure what to do ,company says ,CEFTRIAXONE 196.00 a dayw/no insuranse ,guess I could sell the farm ,at witts end,Any help would be greatly appreciated.Thanks Patrice
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I would be more inclined to try Riluzole, which is approve by the FDA for slowing the
progression of ALS. Because, if you Google “mercury riluzole” the first article is titled: “Riluzole-Triggered GSH Synthesis via Activation of Glutamate Transporters to Antagonize Methylmercury-Induced Oxidative Stress in Rat Cerebral Cortex” which found pretreating with Riluzole raised glutathione levels, thus giving neuroprotection from mercury. Raises questions in regards to the small number of people who have seen benefit from taking Riluzole and those who point the finger at Mercury causing ALS. N-Acetyl-cysteine (NAC), glutathione precursor, also was found to protect against Methylmercury neurotoxicity, which is far cheaper than Riluzole and available on Ebay or health food shops. What was your doctor’s reasoning for going onto CEFTRIAXONE? They say farmers have a greater chance of getting ALS and that’s a lot of chemical’s you have been exposed to.
Hi Terry,thanks for the input.My a MD/Homeopthic wonderful man,who has extensive background in Lyme disease,/ the CEFTRIAXONE.I've had Stem Cell Replacement,2011,along with a vitamin flushfelt really good for a while.Grew up in Jersey City,every summer meadows behind the house sprayed for mosquitoes.Worked on the Railroad for 16 years/the PCB' s, prior to moving to the farm,which hasn't been chemically altered for 20yrs. I just own 178 acre farm .I've seen many a Dr. who a 'll wonder what's attacking my system. I have liquid glutathione,I've drank more homemade green tea then the average,I take vitamin D , B complex,l-acetyle carnitine,fat burner ,to free radicals,and green tea extract pills,and Lions mane,for nerve support,and Low Dose Naltrexone ,.'As far as the Rilozule it never appealed to me.Not a quitter,was more looking for help with the CEFTRIAXONE,Dr. has patient BEEN ON 9 months ,Bulbar ALS,swallowing and speech improving along with fine motor skills. The ALS Neuro is on board.Have had tick embedded in shoulder had rash year before symptoms,lyme test negative. My hope lies there.Still cooking ,baking and fishing,to cold to hunt for me but I do go out,been three plus years and looking forward to manymore.Thanks again.
How much is it across Lake Ontario? I believe Lyme positive tests a difficult to achieve, I'm sure i read of a gentleman, possibly a doctor, who went on Minocycline first, which then made the spirochette come out of hiding, or produced better markers to test for, or something like that.
Patrice - where/how do you get liquid glutathione? How do you take it? Thx
Thank you again,keep yah posted.
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