getting my PAL to the toilet is getting harder

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My mom, diagnosed in Nov of 2010, is now having difficulty with both legs and pivoting her to the toilet is getting difficult. How have all of you handled this transition? What are some tricks to help her ? Thanks,


I can no longer walk & my husband puts in a Hoyer sling with a commode opening & wheels me to the toilet. It works really well for us as I can only stand for about 30 seconds. With a Hoyer they even have mesh slings so you can use a bath transfer bench in the shower.
Hope this helps.
Yes we have the bed and do that raising and lowering the bed. My next question is with the transfer board how/when do you undress before toileting
Get a bedside commode. It was hard in itself since my pals could not help me one bit. I ruined both shoulders trying to put her on the commode for a year and also take her in the car to PT sessions. What a waste the PT sessions were. Never improved anything except in her mind. She really though she could walk and was getting better. When you have to be wheelchaired in and can not move, How are you getting Ibetter. Mind over matter is sometimes wrong. Now she is a quad and can not move any limb. So sad this disease is. It just keeps taking and taking until there is nothing left to take. It has it all!
PT sessions (when done correctly) are invaluable. Range of motion exercises keep PALS from getting frozen shoulder, stiff joints, etc. My husband had PT/OT sessions four times a week. In the early stages, it helped him maintain safe mobility. In the middle stages, he learned new tricks for transfers, self sufficiency, and equipment use. In the later stages, it kept his arms, legs and neck limber and pain free. ALS took his muscles, his mobility, his self sufficiency but it never took his mind, his spirit or his faith.
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