Getting Cold In The North

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Distinguished member
Apr 15, 2008
I was just wondering how the cold weather is affecting all the other "PLS'ers" when the cold nights set in? I know for me my legs & arms stiffen up, which makes is very hard to be flexible when I walk, and even with my fingers when I'm typing. I was at a Friday night football game the other week, and I was fine sitting, but when it was time to go down the steps my legs did not want to bend. Do anyothers have this problem in the cold, or even stiff fingers while typing?
My arms/fingers haven't really been affected by the weather yet. My legs do get very stiff when it's cold. Unfortunately, I don't know of any sort of solution.

I'm just glad I live in south Texas where it doesn't get very cold.
Kevin its a normal PL symptom ,i do it too Fortnately i live in Florida so i wait until about 10 ish then go out
I get so bad i cant lift my leg to walk and balance is a BIG issues then too . At one time when i lived up North i used those little heat pads that have chemical in them that keep warm all day i used them when i still worked Plumbing new houses in winter at 20 below . Geo

I to have the same problem when it is cold outside, I thought it was just me. I live in washington state where it does not get that cold but anything under about 60 degrees and I cannot move at all. Nice to know that I don't have a corner on the market in that area. When I get cold I can't even talk because my jaws also have the same thing going on.
Hello Kevin,
I also am from PA and it is really getting cold here. This morning the temp was 28 degrees, burrrrrr. My husband has PLS and it really bothers him. As soon as the temperatures change his legs get so stiff he can hardly move around and it effects his right hand also. Long old winter coming. Take care you are not alone here. Gracie
Thank You for your Replies

I guess I threw that question out there, because I remember saying to myself last winter, "that everything will get better when spring & summer are here. Well, for the most part I did feel better, but it seems like the cold weather came too darn quick again! Ohh well, I guess the best answer is to just watch the temp. outside and base my day off that (by the way fall & winter were my favorite times of the year with hunting season & out on the snowmobile). I have sold the snowmobile, but still try to enjoy the outdoors, I have a 13 year old son that just loves the outdoors (makes it hard). :)
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