Get through to people and make a difference

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Distinguished member
Jan 9, 2010
I have been working on several projects and I want to ask for your input as well as your help. I want to put a face to ALS... and not one of a 1930's baseball player. I have been pondering on the challenge of getting people's attention and understanding of ALS and one thing that occurs to me is that too few know about the people who have ALS. the acronym itself "ALS" is empty and sterile, while "Lou Gehrigs" means very little to most people who are not familiar with the sports hero.

ALS has not evolved to a level where people understand that it is not a rare disease, but a disease that is as prevelant as MS. In my experience, no one outside of those affected by ALS, seem to know it, never mind understand it. I want to try to change that.

I want to try to put a face to ALS and I am looking for people, those with ALS and caregivers, who are willing to share a little information with me and as many people as I can reach.

I wish to post a profile either every few days or every week, what ever works best, of a person who is affected by ALS; whether you are a caregiver or have ALS, and give a snapshot of your life. I would like to include a photo, (either before ALS or after or both: completely up to you), so that people who read the profile will see a person, just like themselves, who is living with this disease.

The questions I would like to have answered on the profile are short and to the point:

First Name
Where I am from
My favourite hobbies/activities before ALS
What I am most thankful for
What I miss most
What gives me hope
and finally, a photo.

If you have any suggestions, please send them my way and if you would like to be profiled, please email me the above and a photo. I will include my email: [email protected]

Jodi, we will help you in any possible manner!
Thank you Al, I hadnt seen it... and I am looking, but I still can't find it? I will go back in and look some more...
The only thing I can say off the top is that I dont see the use of social media so I am not sure how they get to people who are not already involved directly with ALS? I am looking for twitter, linked in, stumble... links that would push the information out there and get a response. Let me try something. Wait a few minutes and then views at the bottom of the page. If I can affect that number, I can reach people outside of our forum and outside of the world that is already too well aware of ALS.
Off to look at the main page!
I found it!
I think it is a great idea... and I am hoping to extend it to more and more people. Kay Marie: it is under the newsletter, download the PDF and it talks about the march and has a form. I want to take that idea online if I can. Twitter is "over capacity" so as soon as it opens up, I will tweet this thread and see if I can do a real time example of the power of social media, as well as find others who may wish to be profiled or give their thoughts.
Jodi, I agree with you 300%! "The only thing I can say off the top is that I dont see the use of social media so I am not sure how they get to people who are not already involved directly with ALS" That is such truth!
I will need to go and get Matthew from School soon. I hope I do not miss it :[ Jodi, YOU ARE A TRUE ANGEL!
It's great that you want to do that. One thing that really bothered me yesterday at the MDA Ride & Stride was that most people even those who had some form of neuromuscular disease had no idea what ALS was. You are right it is always associated with the "baseball player".
Laura, until Joy was diagnosed in August, I didn't know. That is what I want to change... I was one of those people who happen to be the vast majority. Now that I know what ALS is, I have learned of so many people... one who was a close family friend, who died of ALS more two years ago and I didn't even know. I was told it was a mouth disorder... a cancer... and he was gone so quickly that few people in the community asked a lot of questions about the cause.
I think it takes knowing someone sometimes and as I get to know the people on the forum, well, it makes a difference on how I view ALS. I think that it will for others as well. I hope, anyway.
...and thank you Kay Marie... I am not an angel but I wish I was. An angel would not need to use social media to get someone's attention :)
WOO HOO! 4 Members and 68 GUESTS! YEAH JODI!
Jodi, I have said this before and I will say it again, ALS is a closet disease. Remember the 70's and AIDS..a closet disease-no treatment- no cure-and no one cared until it crossed over into the White, Heterosexual population. SUDDENLY it became a SOCIAL problem-Public Awareness was focused on their plight and now HIV Positive people can and do live their entire life span. That is my hope for our PALS.
I intentionally do not call it Lou Gehrig's for that very reason.
I don't it Lou Gehrigs. Nothing against the man, he sounds like an amazing person and baseball player, but I think it confuses the issue. I did not know that ALS was as prevelant as MS... we were taught about MS and raised funds through book sales for MS in grade school, but up until last year, I had not heard of ALS.
It is not rare and it is not "someone else's" disease. I could have been diagnosed with it as easily as Joy... still could, and I am acutely aware of that.
ALS is a disease that affects real people, young people, healthy people, mother's, father's, daughters and sons and no one knows why. Its okay to say there is no cure, as long as the majority of people and medical groups are seriously looking but just not knowing, that's not good enough for me.
6 members and 77 GUESTS! WOW!
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