Gargle noise

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Jun 15, 2006
Loved one DX
The night before last my husband starting making a gargling noise every time he took a breath in and a loud moan while breathing out. I was pretty freaked out, and awake most of the night. When he woke he said he was fine. I tried getting him to swallow and I raised the head of his bed up. Last night it was not as loud but he was still making the gargling sound. I wonder if it's the saliva building up in his throat because it is hard from him to swallow? We do have hospice and he has recently developed bed sore's on his feet and I have him propped and wedged at night. During the day he is mobile, he can still walk although he has very little use of his arms, his speech is very slurred and he eats very little, he will drink milk shakes and an ensure. Any ideas on the sounds he is making. The posts by Onion were interesting...
Hi there. Yes onions are interesting. They add flavor but can make you cry so to speak. As for the gargling noises it could be the soft palate blocking the airway due to muscle loss in the throat. Is your husband on Bipap? If he is it may need to be adjusted and if not maybe he needs one. Another possibility is the milkshakes making more phlegm. I find milk products seem to do that with me. AL.
Thank you, I can't believe I did not think about the milk causing more phlem. He does not have a Bi-Pap and has refused one. He can be IS a very stuborn man. He never did a sleep test or had his oxygen levels checked so we have no idea where his breathing levels are. Sometime I wish I knew his lung fuction.
Dear Caregiver0204

I have done extensive research on dairy products over the years as I lived with severe asthma for over 20 years. I finally found a doctor who specialized in nutrition who really changed my life. At first I thought he was crazy as we all have been raised to believe dairy is the best thing on earth for humans to consume. I have concluded dairy is one of the worst things you can put in your body. The milk protein, called Casein, is an allergin to the human body because humans were not made to consume body fluids of an different species. To give you an idea of how bad Casein is for you I can tell you most of the furniture glue in the world is made from this stuff. Once dairy is consumed the body quickly tries to expel the Caisen and the best way to do so is by manufacturing mucus and excreting it through the lungs. I can take months to completely rid the body of it. Beware of the so called "dairy free" products also because almost all of them are not because they still contain the dairy protein disquised as some form of Casein. Consider another source of protein such as Soy based products for all things you would now consider dairy such as cheese, milk, ice cream butter, etc. Soy is better for you and I guarantee you the mucus production will significantly be reduced. I hope this helps.
I know it is better for you but a soy milkshake is about as appetizing as a soy burger. Or even better, a tofu burger. Fun wow. AL.
Back in the day of his so called healthy life it was not uncommon for him to drink 1/2 gallon of milk a day. The milk shakes are about the only thing he wants and I hate to take anything he enjoys away. He loves McDonald's shakes. I know all the drive thru employees. I could try to sneak a soy shake in and see what happens. The Hospice RN gave us some drops I put on the back of his tonge that seemed to help with the gargle noise. Evening are event filled with all the pillow propping and heel cuffs. I need to raise his hands above his heart because they are swelling now, we believe this is caused because they are just hanging down all day. Has anyone else experienced the swelling?
What about bed sores on the feet?
I can relate to the shakes. McDonald's chocolate are the best. I'm assuming the bed sores are on his heels. Have you tried pillows under his calves to keep the heels elevated? The doctor should be able to give you a cream to help with the sores. I know we had this topic up a year or so ago and Carol was talking about it. I'll see if I can find it. AL.
Try checking in search under bed sores. There are a few different threads there and you can run through them to get ideas. AL.
Try mixing a little of vanilla soy milk into his milkshake. I learned to like soy by starting with just 1.4 cup at a time. It takes on the flavor of anything you put it in, and when he gets used to it, you can add just a bit more until he gradually takes almost half milkshake and half soy milk.

On days when my mouth is too tired to chew, I make a smoothie using 1/4 brick of tofu, a can of flavored ensure, and my favorite fruit. A can of pears works well, as does a handful of strawberries or a banana. When I want to add a little "zip" I add 1/4 cup of ginger ale. Even people who swear they will never eat soy like this blended drink!
Thank you for the wonderful ideas re: the soy products. We are using sheep skin heal cuffs and pillow to "float his feet" The sores are covered with Mediplast. They don't seem to bother him now but I know they can get much worse, his arms are not working well but he can still walk so my hope is to keep/get his feet well.
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