Forearm/hand pain and throbbing and twitching all over


New member
Aug 4, 2024
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Thank you all for taking the time to address concerns on this thread. I have read the “read before posting” thread, and I could use some clarity as there are many contradicting articles regarding the initial presentation of symptoms across several websites.

I have had persistent twitching across my entire body (e.g. legs, bottom of the feet, back, abs, shoulders, etc.) for the last 3 months with some general fatigue/lethargy. Around 3-4 weeks ago, I started to feel my right forearm tighten up and I have had a general throbbing feeling that runs around the clock. This is especially pervasive across my forearm and my thumb muscle. In one episode, I felt a pain shoot up my arm from my fingertips to my shoulder. I know ALS is not supposed to present with pain, but I have read contradicting articles and some personal stories of initial symptoms that highlight pain.

Furthermore, I feel as though I am losing some dexterity in my fingers, although I can still utilize all of my fingers and have not had any issues holding a cup, for example.

I had an EMG / nerve conduction study performed this morning, but I have been anxious about the potential results.

Does this sound like the onset of ALS? Can ALS present with a persistent throbbing feeling in the forearm and what feels like a cramp?
As you will have read, generalized "entire body" twitching argues against ALS. Nor does localized throbbing signify, but the latter can easily be a traumatic or overuse injury. Proper positioning/support while keyboarding, gaming, writing, texting helps avoid such injuries.

I expect that your study results will be reassuring as regards ALS, so while you wait for results, I'd live the life you can, that others here cannot. That may include more focus on sleep, stress, diet, and bodywork. If the results suggest PT, I'd do that, too.
Thank you for your response. I will take your feedback and focus on living my life. Hopefully the EMG results come back with no complications.
Wanted to close the loop. Received the results of my nerve conduction study and EMG and it all came back clean! Glad I can close this chapter. I will be making a donation to my local ALS chapter.
Thank you for letting us know. Have a long and happy life