For better or for worse...

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Jim there are still some low tech ways - setting up some boards at the end of the bed with alphabet and words or pictures, and then a head led pointer could work for her to 'talk' to you at least basically. And a doorbell that can be operated by a switch that is very responsive can allow her to call you.
I totally get that is not what you mean by 'talking', as you know my Chris lost speech early and quickly, but I just wanted to throw those couple of things out there.

How beautiful that her friend has taken the 'job' and not only is that working, but you were able to heal and now increase your quality of CALS/Work life!

Much love to you both and to Natalie too 💗 💗
Hi Jim,
I don’t often post anymore but lurk almost every day as I have this need to know how all the great people here are doing. I felt the need to post today if only to tell you that I think of you and Darcy often and think that you are one of the most inspirational people I’ve “met“. Your care and attention to your Darcy is so precious. She is a very lucky lady. I’m happy to hear that your healing nicely as well. It’s important for you to take care of yourself. It sounds like you have a hectic schedule but I’m happy that your help with Darcy worked out. I hope that’s flowing smoothly. You hang in there. We are all rooting for you guys! Jlynn
Hi Jim,

Sounds like so much to be happy about, with the help and your work. However I too remember when Brian lost his voice. We didn’t sleep for months until he got his eyegaze. He was stubborn. However, like Tilley we did use those low tech options.

I remember distinctly when his lips didn’t change shape and he knew what he was saying, but there was no way I could read his lips. He was getting quite angry. I grabbed my little hand mirror and held it up for him. I told him to speak something. It was then he realized why I could no longer interpret what he was trying to say. A sad day for sure. However, blinking when I pointed to letters or pictures worked well for us before the eyegaze and also when he was not in front of it

Many hugs to you as you traverse another loss. However it sound like you have good help by your side this time.
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