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Before my disease diagnosis I had constant loss of energy...uses to get easily exhausted..never took dinner with family n used to sleep at that time...since then the energy is co standby depleting....all along.
I am learning to conserve my energy during the day if I am planning something for later that is important to us. To do the conserving I then have to ask my wife to do a few things for me that I could do myself if I was not in conserving mode. For example, go upstairs or to the basement to get something for me. This is helping me and my wife is supportive.
Jim had problem with his right keg for a year and a half. Them stomach pains and nausea and loss of weight. After scans and xrays they found a calcified gall bladder. He had op to remove it in Dec. He was still llosing weight n pain n nausea. The after further tests n mri scans he was diagnosed with ALS in July this year.
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