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New member
May 23, 2007
Hello all. I just found this site. My FIL was dianoised with ALS in 2003 and just until recently has been doing good. Over the past couple months he has gone down hill and Quit eating A week ago Monday. It is very hard on our family and I guess i came here for support and so I can help my husband through this all. We never knew much about ALS until My FIL was dianosed with it. It started in his hands and slowly moved to where is has to be in a wheelchair. Its gotten to the point now that it is affecting his speech skills and can hardly talk to us anymore. This is a really hard time for us all and i will answer as many questions as I can for those that need it. Thank you so much for listening to me.
Hi POSFirebird and welcome to our little corner of the internet. Sorry to hear about your FIL. This disease is hard on everyone concerned! How's hubby doing? Cindy
My husband is kinda off in lala land. Hes trying his best to be there for his mom and just took 2 weeks off of work to be here with her and his dad. My 3 year is taking it hard also so it upsets my husband to see our daughter this way.
Welcome to the site

Glad you found us POSFirebird.
Have you considered a feeding tube? The reason I ask is soon I will have to make a decision about whether or not to get one. I'm trying to get as much information as I can from others about their decisions one way or the other, so I can make a better informed decision myself.

God Bless
Capt AL
We have thought about them Yes. My FIL really didnt want one. We had talked to him about feeding tubes right after christmas just to make sure what he wanted and didnt want. He thought that getting one wouldnt help him as he contunied to detieriate. He was at peace knowing that it would eventually take his life from him and didnt want to lay in bed hook up to machines or a feeding tube. And for us His swallowing and his speech just started to happen in january. His nurses said though it prolly wouldnt have mattered for him anyway. She told us hes to the point now that eating or not eating would prolly not affect his body and she thinks it may be shutting down anyway. I hope this has helped u. My FIL is unable to move any part of his body so that was part of his decision.

POS firebird welcome to the site . Very sorry about your Fil Keep your head up and know that our best thoughts are with you and your family. My husband was diagnosed in december 2006. Yours, Terry
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