Feeling desperate

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Thank you Nikki. Does the EMG/Nerve testing lower down the arm test the upper muscles/nerves too?
My fear is I am experiencing the early symptoms and presenting earlier than others would because I’m tuned into my body. (At 18 I had blood clots and lost 1 and 1/4 lung capacity, at 29 I was in ITU with internal bleeding- which has resulted in my being more vigilant).

Thanks again, I appreciate your help
I know somebody who had an abnormal emg of her hand that came from a problem in their neck. ALS is not a disease of the muscles themselves but of the motor neurons. Again twitching without weakness doesn’t matter anyway.
Thanks Nikki.

So twitching only comes after weakness?

It might help to explain the timeline of what’s happened so you can understand my concerns and how I’ve arrived here. Doctors were investigating the dysautonomia which started in october, I saw a neurologist, she wasn’t concerned but I explained that I’d read about ALS causing dysautonomia (not being able to regulate body temp/GERD) I recalled the constipation, stiff left hand, excess saliva and stumbling on words in the months before. She said I could have an EMG which as you know was clear. I had another exam this week with the Neuro who came to the conclusion I don’t have ALS.

However, given all my symptoms and now to be twitching in that one stiff arm/hand is terrifying for me.

I’m sorry if it feels like I’m asking the same questions, I feel so lost and scared.
Twitching but no weakness, a normal emg and a neurologist examining you and saying no ALS clearly indicate you don’t need to be here. Mr Google has led you astray. You need to seek help for your worry so you can focus on finding answers that fit your symtoms and your exam/ test results.

Unfortunately we can not keep reassuring you. It isn’t working anyway. Closing this thread. Please do not start another
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