Fasiculating thumb muscle when tensed...

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May 6, 2021
Learn about ALS
Hi everyone I appreciate any insight you all may have. I am a mother of two very young kids and very concerned I am beginning to have the split hand form of ALS.

In Febuary if this year my right thumb started twitching trying to use the computer mouse and then again after skiing when I tried to text was like I couldn’t control my thumb.

Since then when I try to squeeze my thumb towards my pointer that makes the fatty muscle below my thumb fasiculate. I am very concerned about this fascicukating of this muscle when I apply force to my thumb. I have full strength in thumb but from what I have read sometimes fasciculations can come before weakness did anyone find this?

I have become so nervous I am getting the ALS that starts in the hand there and my neuro apt is not until June....I did not sleep last night worrying after I seen this fasiculating in that muscle - it seems to be when I squeeze the thumb right towards my index finger not when my thumb is relaxed.

appreciate anyone even taking the time to read this...

Love to all!
ALS does not present over several months with a thumb problem as you describe. Your PCP can probably order a PT evaluation or you. It is very common for thumbs to have overuse injuries due to how we hold our phones, carry kids, text, etc. In your case, holding the poles while skiing might contribute. I see no reason to worry about ALS (of which there is no "split hand form" and for which the "split hand sign" even when it exists is not a done and dusted diagnosis).

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Thank you so much Laurie for this reassurance I am a mom and work in health care and been worried sick about my thumb especially since the fatty pad started to fisiculate in certain positions this is what has me really concerned....but my thumb is not weak so as you said if the fasiculations were ALS I would be having weakness as well?

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