Arsenic & ALS -Treatment
Sorry about my English writing, but not my first language.
It was suggested in October last year that I had ALS, since then it has been confirmed.
As I guess many others would do, I was trying to see if it could be something else, like mercury poisoning etc.
I did found on about mercury effect on neurons, for this reason I asked my Doctor at the Danish main hospital if I could be tested for toxic in my body?
The following is not a joke, it did happen to me:

I was asked to visit another hospital and a specialist meet me there, he noticed I had difficulties breathing, asked me to sit down and then I should point my five fingers up-wards, he took a a sheet of paper (letterhead) and place it on the fingers, after looking on it for about 20 seconds, he declared that I did not have any toxic/heavy metals in my body.
He then made some simple reflex test, and the ending remarks was word to this effect:
You are good hands with the other hospital, go home and enjoy what you have left of your life.
And he call himself a Doctor, and some of those are our lives in the hands of?
Person like me (and surely you will be the same) could not accept this kind of rubbish, I therefore went to a private clinic, to get a full test for heavy metals. I got a pre and post test of my urine using D-pencillum as the agent.
About two weeks later I got a phone call, and the Doctors said, you have some mercury and lead actually too much, but the biggest problem is: Arsenic.
Where it came from I don't know?
I started to read about the effect of arsenic and now understand why it would be very difficult for a doctor to see the difference between ALS and arsenic.
Over the last two months taken D-pencillium and EDTA to remove the toxic, but my ALS is not getting better.
I have forced myself out of my comfortable life as the CEO and now do manual work, in the hope to keep the body going longer.
I still walk and write but my speech is really bad and it has changed from not so good to bad in about 30 days.
However, I have managed to get my breathing to be beather at least for the present.
So can arsenic course ALS? In my view it can, there most be something that start the sickness and I suggest it can be many differnt items such as arsenic, mercury etc.
The facts is; billions of other people does not have ALS, therefore something has started it in the body.
(When I was young student I argued with my teachers the view that I could not accept that brain cells and nerves could not grow back, now many years later it is now been proved they can) which takes me to the next item:
Recently used about 6 months research about arsenic, mercury, lead and ALS, and came to the conclusion that the only treatments that may really work, are based on not only doing one thing but consider many things at the same time: Stem Cells, Massage, Herbal medication, Oxygen.
As the brain is the largest user of
oxygen about 20 %, I suggest that is not possible to restore health in the brain without extra supply of oxygen, as the lungs get affected either by the arsenic or ALS.
About 1 hour each day, which I do hope I can get into a pressure chamber and get the oxygen there over a perid of 30 days.
If a person like me has both problems, then the Kidneys, Liver, Spleen and intestine will be effected.
For this reason I have investigated those problems and I will now start to take a
herbal treatment that I found in China (no animals used) to restore or get those to work better.
I also take Q10, Fish oil, B supplement and shortly will take Noni juice, which I did use in Vanuatu, when I lived there. ( I should properly have taken it more often?)
Massage I think is a most, to help against muscle spasm etc.
Stem cells, I was under the view that those was always taken from abortion, but have ever been wrong, today only a few use those ( I would not) the most common they take your own fluid from either the hip bone or spine, remove all the blood part and refine until they have the few "building blocks" stem cells that is needed, then multiply those in the millions and those go back to your own body.
Personally, I think this is the most logical way to treat neurons that has been damaged, and properly the way I will go if/when I can get the finance to do it.
There are some clinics in China, Germany, Spain
I am not a doctor, but have worked a little bit with herbal medicine and trained doctors and pharmacies in those.
Please note: The above is just my private view.
However, I trust one can fight ALS, but it may require some doctors to look outside the square. It is not many years ago, (about 30 years) that some doctors got pretty upset when they heard one was taken vitamins and minerals, today one get told off if not taken those.
If some of you like to write to me directly I will pleased to get any letters, my address is
[email protected]
To all of you like me that has ALS, please do not give up, keep fighting, stay calm and positive, cry when you need to and laugh as much you can. Show love to others and maybe give some more hugs to all your friends, you will need some back.
Share your postive experience with us all.
If I can find the the money for the stem cell treatment I will surely keep you posted.
All the best to you all.
A dane