Family, friends... wear a mask.

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Clearwater AL

Extremely helpful member
Forum Supporter
Aug 28, 2013
Get Real
If you have a family member or friend who is reluctant to wear a
mask find a way gentle way to tell them to wear one. For just now.

Two months ago my daughter passed away at the age of 48 from the
complications of COVID 19. Six years ago she a double mastectomy,
chemo. the whole works. Up until now she was a cancer survivor.

Maybe mistakenly I tried to use the Forum as a distraction from my
thoughts and feelings . Last month I topped the list of “Most posts
of the Month” for the first time. I sent a “Report” to the Mods
concerning a poster that was a mistake. Probably some of my replies
to Threads reflected too stern of a tone… a confusion of frustration.

I guess when I read some of the “Could this be ALS’ers” posting
that they are overwhelmed with health Stress and Anxiety… they
have no idea what stress, anxiety and sadness can be for others, PALS
and CALS.

Gotta get this in… after they have had two or three Neuros and 2 or 3
clean EMGs telling them… no ALS.

I’m not expecting/want sympathy replies. This is to anybody that
reads this that may not be a PALS or CALS, Masks are not an
inconvenience, compared to the price they may pay or cause
others (loved ones) to pay… which could be the ultimate price.

I couldn’t decide whether to post this or not. Whatever…

Finally, Trump, that Dr. Atlas who resigned, Florida Governor
Rick DeSantis and any Republican who still supports any of them
are killing innocent people with their stupid blind allegiance to a
reckless, uncaring, self centered, conspiracy theory obsessed, lying,
court proven loser… now begging for money con artist President.

This country also has a serious mental health epidemic too…
Trumposis 20.
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I can’t not respond.
Al I am so terribly terribly sorry. What a tragic stupid unnecessary loss.

my thoughts are with you and Ann. No one should ever have to lose a child
Al, #1 - So very sorry. #2 - So totally agree. Jon
Agree, on both counts, Al. So sorry about your loss.
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Dear Al, I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter. I can't imagine the sorrow you must feel. I understand the anger you feel as well.

In my view, whatever you want or need to say is ok here. We are all dealing with something that no one should ever experience. To add your daughter's loss to this is beyond cruel.

So sorry for your loss. With ALS we think things can get worse and then a steamroller comes crushing. So sorry for the double-whammy.
I understand your loss and am deeply sorry you had to experience that 😔
I just can't wrap my head around the controversy of wearing a damn mask. It's just the right thing to do under the circumstances. I listen to people complain that they're civil liberties are being infringed on and that the government will not dictate to them under a mandate. Yet it's the same ones that sing a different tune if they or a family member become infected. It's just plain insanity.
Al. As always, you speak the truth. I am so sorry for the loss of your daughter. God damn this president,
Al, I am so sorry. I am also sorry that you have cause to experience feelings of frustration and fury at the reasons along with your deep grief. This is unfair and it was preventable and some people are so very criminally selfish. I am sorry.
Al, I am so sorry for your loss of your daughter. I can not begin to understand why everyone can't follow the science and just wear a mask and socially distance. Have we lost all empathy for our fellow man that we can't do such a simple thing to protect lives?

Dear Al,

I'm so sorry for both you and Ann and your daughter's whole family. As you know, I live in the backward state of Florida and have to see DeSantis every day saying nothing will close.
I'd like permission to place the first couple of paragraphs on my FB page. I will take out anything identifying you, Ann or your daughter. I will simply use PALS to denote the writer had ALS.

I attended a funeral today via Zoom. The older man died of Covid. I've lost two friends, both under 55 to Covid. My nephew got it from his students in Buffalo, NY, and had complications. He is an athlete and only 27. My cousin from CT was on a vent for 10 days. Nobody knows who will get it or when. Both my cousin and nephew wore masks. It's the others who are infecting us.

My heart is broken for you. You know how much I admire you and you have had a burden nobody should have to bear.

And whether people want to agree with it, 45 set the tone for others to think it was a hoax, not dangerous, and masks were of no use.
G—-damnit, I just read your post Al, and am furious and grieving with you. The health care system is crumbling, deaths are becoming a tsunami, and millions believe it is a big hoax. And he doesn’t care.

The fault lines of our country are wider than any massive earthquake could create. I’m afraid his niece was point on when she called him the most dangerous man alive.

With this horrible news and the needless death of your daughter and so many, I must also comment on other unbelievable news yesterday. I was a military brat, and on Veterans Day I posted my respect for all who served like Al, and I said that I had much greater respect for the opinions of the best of the best-three and four star generals and admirals-than I had for any politician. I must now reconsider that blanket assessment.

On December 2, 2020, former Lieutenant General (3 star) Michael Flynn, who by all accounts served admirably, called for the Donald to implement Martial Law in this country, invalidate the lawful and legal election, and require a new election to occur. This is beyond insane, and I have no doubt his post was somehow “required” as a condition of his pardon.

I don’t know what to say anymore...somebody of real influence in the GOP, PLEASE stand up. This goes beyond partisan politics, and is rapidly descending into the darkest period in our history. Help, please.
Al I have to also say how sorry I am for your loss - shockingly senseless. Everything you say is spot on here.
Thank you all for the replies.

I guess it's part of the process... in the last paragraph of my post
my anger crept through. Can't make up my mind if it was wrong
to say it... or the truth.

Whatever... the Forum took my mind off things and always the
good info Nikki, Laurie, KimT and others posted was copied and
logged into my Word files for reference.

Thanks again.
Al, I've been sad and angered since I read your post. I honestly don't know how you kept it together these past two months.

You always speak the truth. You're one of the brave ones here.
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