Facing New problems.

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May 17, 2006
Hello to all, my father was diagnosed. in March,2006. but he had symptoms from Sep. 2005. start from lower but now bulber also. he is on bed , no any kind of moving, voice is very slurred and taking liquids only. he takes Morphin also. now he has different problems first his Chicks and Chin is very sticky, skin of both ,sticks from inside and lips also stick wd each other. Second his Sole of both foots are burning..some time very burns. he can't bear. we keep wet cold cloths but it is temporary effected only,no permenant solution...some time he has highly constipation b/c of Morphine, but now he takes Lexobaron..it is effective... Plz. share with me if any body has ideas about that problems. God Bless To All.
I too have problems with my feet. There are times my toes feel like they are on fire and they hurt very bad. They get very red. Any ideas Al?

Paula B
Hi Salma the lips sticking together sound like he might not be getting enough liquids? Just a thought...

As for the burning feet, ladies, that might take some detective work. Are they swollen? Resting against sheets that were washed in new detergent? I dunno..Anybody else with ideas? Cindy
Hey Salma,

As far as I know that it is good to wash our feet with cold water and to dry them completely right after with a towel and to avoid wearing socks while sleeping especially for ppl with burning feet and if possible to keep them outside the sheets.

Foot massages

When Linda's feet would get swollen and red or when they would tingle and burn we found that the best remedy was a foot massage with lotion. We concluded (after much scientific experimentation . . . LOL) that the stimulation got the blood flowing and made for much better circulation. We began a routine that included stretching of the feet and toes ending with a 20 minute foot massage {I would use warm lotion when her feet were very cold or use cool lotion -- kept in the refrigerator -- when her feet were hot and burning.

I remember thinking, as I stood at the foot of her bed each day, "I hope other PALS have someone who will do this for them" because I saw how loved and cared for this simple action made Linda feel and the relief it provided from her discomfort. It felt so wonderful to be able to do something about at least ONE of the many awful circumstances brought about because of ALS.

If we were off schedule and she didn't get in the bed before I had to leave
I'd pull a chair up just in front of her (while seated in her wheelchair) and lift her feet onto my lap and stretch and massage her feet from there.

Anyway . . . that's what worked for us. Linda's been gone six months now . . . I miss her every day.

Take care everyone.
stickey cheeks

Hello Salma: Sorry for all your family is going thru. We used a product called MoistR, it is a spray and really helped to keep inside of mouth moist. No swallowing necessary, was also a bonus. It was purchased over the counter at the drug store.
Hope this is of help to you.
Hi Salma. Sorry your dad is not doing well. Do you keep his feet up on a pillow when he is laying down? This might help. Are his feet swelling up or are they just burning?
Al said:
Hi Salma. Sorry your dad is not doing well. Do you keep his feet up on a pillow when he is laying down? This might help. Are his feet swelling up or are they just burning?
thnx to all to good response, Al. his feet swelling also but we do massage then it reduced. but it burns also. and no massage effect on burning.and his legs and hands are so panic. he took pain killers but no effect.

thnx to all to good response, Al. his feet swelling also but we do massage then it reduced. but it burns also. and no massage effect on burning.and his legs and hands are so panic. he took pain killers but no effect.
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