Facial faciculations

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Feb 12, 2024
Hi, I was diagnosed in January, with limb onset. I’ve lost total use of my left arm and hand. I can walk a little, but my legs are very heavy and my feet drag so I often use a wheelchair. For the last two or three months, or more, I’ve had slight fasciculations in my left cheek where I smile, and one or two in the left side of my lips.. I’m wondering if this is the onset of bulbar symptoms.
I don't think there is an answer to that, but I'll tell you my experience.

My tongue twitches off and on. It started over three years ago. Sometimes it lasts several days. I can still eat. My twitches are 24/7 in my legs and have been for a long time. When I'm tired or eat chocolate, I twitch in other places. When I'm stressed, I twitch in other places.

Before ALS, I never had a twitch and I was athletic.
Thank you Kim. Yes, my whole body has twitches constantly. Like little people inside of me flipping rubber bands. Often they are visible. Can be mild or as strong as a huge fast flex of a muscle. The face, though, is new, mild, and not constant.
Hi Malori,

I too can only relate my experiences. I started to get rare - now and again - facial twitches about two years after right limb onset and my tongue also started twitching slightly. The chin twitches were just one or two at a time and on my right hand side chin just below my lips. I would say they happened no more than once a month. The year before this (one year after limb onset) I had two experiences in two months of very mild slurring of a few words.

These days my body is 3 years since limb onset, two years since the 2 slurring incidents and a year since intermittent chin twitching. I have mild bulbar symptoms. I eat whatever I want and also moving food around my mouth near my lips takes slightly more effort. I am talking with mild tone and intonation changes - people understand me.

I don´t know if the occasional chin twitches meant anything at all. My chin hardly ever twitches now.
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