EMG Tomorrow

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Mar 7, 2023
Learn about ALS
Hi Everyone,

Sorry for posting another thread, the previous threads must have timed out.

Here are the previous threads: Unfortunately Back Working a DX, Looking for alternative reasons

I really am just asking for prayers for a good study tomorrow, it will be at John Hopkins. If you would be so kind as to pray and ask God to give me something else that isn't ALS related and non-terminal I would appreciate it. If everything goes well tomorrow I'll post the results. If you don't see a post, then either I'm ecstatic or it didn't go so well, and posting is my last concern.

Here is a little update on where I am at if you are interested please keep reading;

I started noticing shoulder atrophy, specifically anterior deltoid, around the end of August early September. My shoulder has discomfort now, and sometimes its a little painful. I have photos from before to compare and my MDs have noted it in my chart but haven't given a reasonable explanation for this yet. It kind of feels like my arm is pulling out of my socket, however no clinical weakness yet. My arm does feel heavier now and it shakes in certain positions which it didn't before. I have also noticed a very slight atrophy in my left foot arch. I happened to have a picture from a year ago when my feet were really itchy to compare. I'm also waking up feeling stiff now, and my fasciculations seem to be happening more in my arms now which in the past they were infrequent. Hoping this is just me noticing them more.

I've tried resting my shoulder for a long time, but the discomfort never really goes away, as soon as I wake up, the feeling of something is pulling on my shoulder area, and also around my subclavicular area on the same side. I get discomfort down my arm as well between bicep and trap. My bicep also looks a lot smaller around the brachialis muscle.

My tongue atrophy progressed to a point and now stopped, for now, but my throat by my Adams apple hurts in the morning until I swallow a bunch.

I agree I don't fit the typical ALS presentation, no UMN signs at all, strictly LMN only. This scared me since I didn't realize you could have PMA which is basically PLS but lower only. I don't have a reason for the atrophy on my shoulder, no exercising, or strenuous activity, no surgery etc...

I'm 8 months now into this nightmare, and I'm sure my study will show something at this point. If it doesn't then I'm going to bury this website and my fears, and move on with my life. I truly hope this happens.

Please keep me in your prayers, God is the only one who can change this outcome.

Thank you all for reading. I will keep you all in my prayers as well.
Absolutely wish you the best. As you know emgs can show many things most of them non fatal and often treatable. Probably that would be your best outcome but a clear emg would be great too. Whatever the answer please come back and let us know when you can.
You don't fit the ALS pattern at all. Not even a bit. Not prior nor do you today. No.prayers are needed as you don't have ALS. You are asking terminally ill people to pray for YOU, which is shocking.

When you get your EMG that says no ALS, please come back and update. After all the times folks here have answered your questions, it is the respectful thing to do.

Until then.
Hi Everyone,

I apologize if I have offended anyone. That was not my intent. I know your time is the most precious thing and I don't want to rob anyone of that. I'll keep it short and sweet.

The EMG came back clean, thank you for the prayers, I know this was the key.

I still have atrophy, unexplained, and pain, but I am following up with sports medicine to see what might be the cause.

I'm learning to come to terms with the uncertainty of what's going on with my body that is my next goal working on mental health. My mind wants to pull from the super rare cases to convince me I have something terminal going on. I have to work on changing that mindset as it has become completely debilitating.

I am so thankful for everyone on this forum, and for this I would like to give back to this community if possible.

I have a set of technical talents and would be happy to offer my services up to anyone who wants to take me up on this offer. For instance, if you lost your voice, I might be able to reconstruct with old videos/vm messages utilizing AI voice cloning, or if you are in the beginning stages, and need to clone your voice, I can assist with this, cloning is different from voice banking btw... If you have voice banked I can create a custom AI voice for you that can sound like you. Additionally if you need assistance with your PC / devices I would be happy to assist remotely and fix anything going on. These are just some examples but I feel obligated to do something for this community and my talents are wide reaching.

I'll be around trying to support others here however I can just let me know.

God bless you all!


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