EMG stats

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Distinguished member
Jan 12, 2007
Mountain View
Just trying to collect some EMG stats. If you had both normal EMG(s) and bad one(s), what was their sequence and time intervals between them ?

My record:

Jan 2007: local neuro, 4 limbs, some abnormalities seen
Dec 2007: local neuro, 2 limbs, normal
Dec 2008: ALS clinic, 2 limbs and tongue, normal
Hi ... had a "clean" EMG in October, 2007, in private neuro's office. He tested my left arm and shoulder and left leg. (Only symptoms I had at that point were bulbar.) His equipment seemed rather antique compared to the test at a university clinic 7 months later.

Had a "dirty" EMG on May 5, 2008 at UC Irvine clinic. Very extensive, from tongue to toes. They found three areas of denervation, and diagnosed ALS. My symptoms were still all bulbar, but two areas of denervation were in torso and shoulder.

Where exactly did they "poke" you when testing the torso? I am starting to obsess on the smallest detail as I gear up for a long awaited appointment next week and would appreciate any clarification you can offer.

Thank you!

beth- I was going to ask the same question as lydia, where did they poke you to check the torso?

ptich- What are your symptoms?
Crystal & Lydia ... Trying to remember everything they did. One of the areas of denervation they found was in the lumbar area, I think. Another area of denervation was my left arm and upper back.

Here's from the report (and this is all Greek to me!) (I've shortened the report):

left median and ulnar (normal)
Left peroneal & tibial (normal)
Left median, ulnar, peroneal and tibial F-waves (normal)
Left median, ulnar, and aural sensory NCS (normal)
Bilateral posterior tibial H-reflex (normal)
Needle EMG of selected CS-T1 (acute & chronic denervation) (think this is arm and upper back)
Needle EMG exam of selected left L2-S1 (acute & chronic denervation) (I think this is lumbar)
Needle EMG of thoracic paraspinals (incomplete relaxation)
Needle EMG exam of selected cranial nerve innervated muscles showed chronic denervation.
RNS of the left ulnar nerve & the left spinal accessory nerve, recording from the trapezius muscles, decremental response was less than 10% and thus not clinically significant.

Lydia ... I went in as suspected Myasthenia Gravis and came out with ALS. I was so nervous the night before the test, I don't think I got more than an hour's sleep. I don't know why I was nervous ... I was expecting a confirmation of MG. Maybe my subconscious knew something I didn't.

Good luck on your test next week! Let us know what happens.

Thanks, it looks like they checked the torso thru the thoracic paraspinals.
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