EMG results. Slightly confused with feedback.

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Marc In Asia

New member
Jul 19, 2016
Lost a loved one
Hi folks,

Could someone give me some feedback on my EMG results please. Came back officially normal however , comments noted of " slightly large motor unit potential in bilateral APB and FDI muscles"

1. How do the results look ?
2. My visit was due to what appeared to be slight muscle loss and tremors on left thumb (APB).
3. Can early ALS present itself like this ?
4. The bilateral comment also leaves me with more questions.

Any feedback or advice would be welcome.
Kind regards


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1 They look completely unworrying
2 I see you have a history of neck issues. Possibly related?
3 no
4 if you have questions ask your doctor
Hi Nikki J,

Thanks for you reply. Unfortunately I will be bouncing around Asia for the next 3 months and won't be able to visit a neuro again so easily, which is why I came here.

With all the respect to you as I know how big a supportive/knowledgeable role you have here. Does thst also extend to the breakdown of the EMG results ?

Kind regards,
I don’t understand your question. I said your emg is unworrying. Your neuro said it was essentially normal. Any PALS here would have been dancing out the clinic door never to return with those results. Little emg niggles are common and usually the result of old injuries or just plain wear and tear
I agree Nikki J and I don't mean to send like a broken record. But as you can see my APB looks normal but under strain the muscle disappears and what's left of it tremors look crazy. My other hand is completey different and remains bulky under strain. Please note there are no fasculations at rest really, amd only wjen slight strained. As per the EMG I have increased readings on this exact muscle. The APB muscle being the very first one to decline with onset in the hand then of course gets me concerned a bit. No weakness but wotu so many muscles surrounding the thumb I'm not sure when thst would really kick in. Would the muscle wasting I'm seeing under slight strain still pass through an EMG ? OR am I seeing it early cos I'm straining ? And the more obvious wasting under no strain will follow ?

(photos removed per posting rules in the "Read Before" link)
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