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Oct 21, 2011
I wrote for first time here before 5 years..
My last post was at 2013 and is the following :

I'm 31 years old male and two and a half years ago started my journey to this health situation.
I visited 4 neuro doctor and excpet one who finded a little weaknes in one leg muscle (due to lack of exercise ,he said) all clinical tests was OK.

I had a clear brain and neck MRI and also clear bloodworks.
I had also two EMGs in two arms and legs :
The first one showed possible damage at interior horn but the doctors did not agree with the way of the guy in diagnostic center did it cause he didn't put me needles...So all the doctors told me that this EMG is useless.
The second one shows :
Notes : mild hypertonia - sparse large motor units in both both triceps.
Conclusion : EMG without abnormalities

All the neuros agree that i had some kind of anxious somatomoform disorder.

My mind is stuck on ALS and i never go to psychotherapist for this.

All these years my symptoms get worse and worse and right now i feel more weaker than ever,i have swallowing issues,slurred speech and my muscles are stiff and twitching even my facial and tongue,needles and pins,my neck shakes when i'm standing motionless and all these neuromuscular symptoms.
But the most worrying symptom for me is the shortness of breath,especially at night.

Today i have an appointment with my neuro again after two years.
If the clinical test will be clear should i worry for als or it is time to get psychotherapy?

Wish me luck...

So i'm here again cause my health situation is going from bad to worse.
All these years i tried to move on in my life....I own a success store and i got married my beloved wife...But my health issues remained and now is worse than ever.
And all of my fears came back before 14 days,when i had a very painfull sciatica crisis.

Update of my symptoms :

Severe insomnia, depression, extreme fatigue, irregular heartbeat, palpitation, Sense on incomplete bowel and bladder evacuation, constipation/diarrhea, difficulty to concentrate, difficulty to concentrate and focus attention.
Muscles atrophy,weakness,twitching,muscle pain like knife, numbness,tingling,needles and pins feeling in left arm, facial atrophy in left side, weak left leg (maybe from sciatica), difficulty swallowing and breathing, can't hold my back straight so i'm like i have kyphosis, stiff muscles when i try to stetch them,
excessive sensitivity to noise or light,tinnitus ,gastrointestinal disturbances, i feel that my soft palate is collapsed and many more.

So the fear of als is here again,bigger than ever....
All these symptoms started at 2010 and after six years is here and wore than ever.

Is it possible to have a vey slow progress of this horrible disease or i have something else?
Is it possible to have rapid progression of als in 14 days?
Is it possible to have my symtoms onset at 2010 and after 6 six year being functional even i have these problems?

Except emgs, i had a head mri which showed sparse enlarged perivascular spaces at the point of basal gagglia,but my neuro said that it's ok....Neck MRI clear and also some blooworks.

I'm gonna have an appoitment with my neuro this week again....
I have to mention that i feel copletely helpless and alone cause my wife and all my parental famiy think that all is in my mind and this is another health anxiety disorder.

Thank you for your time.
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Not a single ALS symptom ... still ... that's all there is to say.
Thank you for your response...
Forgot to write that all of my muscles are flabby.

p.s Tommorrow i'm gonna have antibody test (IgG and IgM) for lyme disease.
Although my brain mri findings indicates hidden MS,according to some scientific articles.
Agreed, Passenger, you're chasing a conclusion that will never happen (which is a great thing). You asked in 2013 (three years of suffering ago) if it was time for counseling. The answer remains yes, as it sounds like you have been evaluated medically and anxiety can cause every symptom you mention. Continued anxiety generally means worsening symptoms.

Listen to your wife and family; get help instead of more tests. You seem particularly obsessed with minor anomalies in your anatomy. We all have them. But your major anomaly (anxiety) is one that treatment can actually fix! That puts you ahead of everyone here. So you are in the wrong place here.

I wish both Sohvi and Igelb have right...
I'll have an appoitmnent with my neuro on Friday.
My biggest concern is the weakness of my left leg which suffers from sciatica and i feel it uncontrollable...

All my problems has began from the first emg:

The first one showed possible damage at interior horn but the doctors did not agree with the way of the guy in diagnostic center did it cause he didn't put me needles...So all the doctors told me that this EMG is useless.
However the first EMG was done, if you had anterior horn damage 3y ago, your symptoms would have progressed to clinical [immediately recognized by a physician, not you] weakness by now. So we're going to assume (like your other doctors) that it was a worthless test and move on. You need to move on as well. Sciatic pain is very common and not connected with ALS in any respect. Get some PT or do more walking / stretching.
The worthless emg was at 2011.
My last visiting at my neuro was at 2013 i was clinical fine...
I've had sciatica for over 30 years - don't mention that one again it has NOTHING to do ALS.

Please refrain from posting here again until you report your EMG results. 'New' questions in the next few days will be utterly worthless. The EMG will answer them all.

We are supporting people who are actually dying and those caring for them.

You have asked, we have said no way. We cannot do anything more for you in the meantime.
I hope and i pray to have right.

Thank you for your interesting.
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