Dr. Advises against Flu Shot

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Oct 28, 2007
Heads up friends, today my husband had his 3 month check up with his primary doctor. Before the doctor came into the room his nurse asked us if my husband was getting his flu shot today. Well of course we said yes and she gave him the shot. When the doctor came in the room he said my husband should not get the flu shot because the flu shot has mercury in it and anyone with neurological problems should not get the shot. Well we told him it was a little late that his nurse already gave him the shot. I googled "Flu Shot with Neurological problems" and a lot of info was available and reasons why he should not have had the shot. We will keep our fingers crossed hoping that nothing bad happens but we certainly would not have gotten the shot had we had a heads up before hand. Anyway it is too late for us but ask your doctor first and research for yourself if you are diagnosed with ALS or PLS. Take care,:roll: Gracie
It's interesting, the only time my mom has ever gotten the flu shot was just before her symptoms started. She never took it again.
Gracie, I wouldn't worry about the shot. I am unaware if the vaccines still contain mercury, however, when I was at Hopkins earlier this week, I was urged to go ahead and get the flu shot as they'd just gotten the vaccine for this year's season in between my two appointments with them. I was in the multidiciplinary ALS clinc, and if there was any concern for those with MND receiving the shot, Hopkins would not be offering it. Actually, it wasn't really even an offer, it was more like "which arm would you like it in?" LOL.

I hope this helps to calm any concerns.
I think those shots are based on an individual basis, Freddie did not get the flu shot, but did get pneumonia shot and has pneumonia twice since the shot, my feeling is that they are giving you a bit of the virus. I am not a doctor...duh....lol......but I do not give Freddie any extra "crap" as he has enough problems...........just an opinion.....Plus I feel like they just sweep this disease under the rug and treat people as "Oh well you are going to die anyways". I don't even give Freddie Jevity unless I have to, We choose to grind food. You just have to be careful to count calories.
The only time my wife and I had the flu shot we both got the flu.
Just another opinion.:roll:
Seeee I would have to agree, since Freddie got that damn shot he has had the pneumonia.........Not once but twice.........aarrgghhh.......I am glad that I didn't give him the flu shot.
I used to be scared of the flu shot, but then my employer (Continental) started offering free flu shots in the company clinic, and airlines are so picky about attendance at work anyway that I figured "big brother" would be watching and know I didn't get my shot if I missed work because of influenza..... Then, after 9/11 as a "cost savings" decision, they started charging us 25$ for them and I didn't get them anymore. 8-)

However, last winter I had the pneumonia shot and the flu one ~ and yes, I've had pneumonia since the shot, but it was aspiration type which the vaccine I'm assuming doesn't guard against.

I'd just responded to reassure Gracie that they didn't do anything "wrong" by allowing the nurse to give him the vaccine.
My doc and I kid around a lot. His take on the flu shot is, you're screwed anyway so for the little bit of bad stuff in the shot, why take the chance of getting pneumonia/influenza. I took the P shot (good for 5 yrs.) and get the flu shot. Had a couple of colds but nothing major, touch wood.

Totally embarrassing flu shot!

Okay, since we are discussing flu shots, I may as well fess up about what I did. ;-)

I took my husband for his flu shot yesterday. When they called him in, he motioned for me to come in with him. I wasn't sure why he wanted me in the exam room for just a shot, but I followed him and the nurse. I soon found out my roll in all this. He wanted the shot in his buttock because his arm has atrophied so much, and he wanted me to pull his pants down so he didn't have to be embarrased having the nurse do it. OK, I can do that.

Now of course there were two nurses, (one was observing) and when I pulled his pants down, they went just a little farther than they should of! :o After they were done, the nurse chuckled and asked us if we needed a little "alone time". :lol:

Now of course every time my husband tells the story it gets better and better. When he told our daughter, I had yanked his pants all the way down around his ankles!:roll:

The reason we decided on the shot though, is mostly because if he was to get a bad flu it might make it harder to breathe, and then there is the fatigue issue. He has enough of that going on already. He also had the pneumonia shot last month.
Thanks so much for everyones reply. You guys are the best. I was very upset with the flu shot ingredients after the fact. Ignorance is not bliss in this case. Damed if you do and damed if you don't. We had all his mercury fillings removed last month because of the mercury and then we get a flu shot with 25mgs of mercury in it Oh well........... do the best you can I guess. Thanks guys, Gracie
re: flu shot

i've been told by my neurologist and primary care physician to get the flu shot. i have declined. i have never gotten the shot and i have also not had the flu in a long time. i take lots and lots of vitamins. it's a personal choice.
:wink: I bet you guys made for an entertaining morning at the doc's office, Linda!

I've read this thread with interest. My PC tends to leave these decisions up to me, so at my last visit he asked, "Do you think you could tolerate a flu shot and pneumonia shot? Or do you think we should forget about these shots?" I gave the same answer as Al's Doc. I said, "well, what else could go wrong?" So at my next visit we plan to do both.

I missed you guys over the last few days. I have a rotten sinus headache and reading off the computer screen was just too much. It's a little better today - must be the meds finally kicking in. Feels good to join you all again! Cindy
Glad your back...........God knows you have to have a clear head to be here......lol..........I was wondering where you were...Also anyone heard from Mike (quadbliss) I haven't heard from him in awhile.......I hope all is well............
pretty much my symptoms started after getting a flu shot 4 days after giving birth. I was told if you just had a operation or weakend immune system you should not get, well they gave it to me and I was sooo sick. I got c-diff, flu, pnemonia---you name it! I wish I never got that shot, I also had a lot of aching pain and buring all in my feet and hands and knee after, for months. then this. who knows...
We as a family started the shot 2/12 years ago after my husband was diagnosed on the advice of the ALS clinic and made allot of sense to me having 2 kids in school. The last thing he needed was a cold or the flu. I couldn't imagine what it would be like if he had a stomach virus and throwing up the fear of asperating any of it or the difficulty of coughing allot which was a problem already. The only way I could get the girls in for it was for their Dad, they refuse this year now that he is gone.
We never really came down with anything heavy, sort of cruised the top of some colds a couple of times but that was it. So for us I believe it worked big time.
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