does weather affect als

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First of all I am not diagnosed with ALS but had to chime in here as yesterday I spent the afternoon making one of those blankets with sleeves! If I get chilled I find I have a hard time warming up and moving. I also having a heating matt I use for my legs and sleep with a heating blanket.
If anyone wants the pattern to make the blanket with sleeves let me know and I can post the addy with Al's permission. They are pretty easy and inexspensive to make.
Go ahead and post the directions, Willow. We just do not allow selling things here, but directions to make something that helps a PAL or a CAL is a real positive thing. Thank you!
JohnMc in Arizona....... Just go to Walmart or any local department or hardware store and look for vaporizers. Are you familiar with the ones with hot steam for when you have a cold? Well you need a cold air one that just puts moisture back into the air. They come in various sizes and hold various amounts of water. The steam one is fine, but adds to your electric bill where the cold one doesn't.

Then you look for a little gadget like a thermometer that measures the humidity in the air. Then keep the humidity at at least 50%. They also come in various sizes or are also included sometimes along with a thermometer. Comfort comes when the air is between 30 and 50, but our pulmonary doctor says an ALS
patient should have it even higher.

Good luck, and God bless. marjorie
Teresa ... I should know exactly where Wooster is ... I'm from Youngstown, went to Oberlin ... but can't pinpoint it. Unfortunately, everywhere in California is where the fires are nowadays. But at least we're not on a hillside, so I think we're safe. :-)

Everytime I go back to Ohio in the summer, I can't believe God made so much green!
the cold affects me in melbourne australia, now 100 F. + too hot...diag'd 12 years ago with PLS...Now possibly ALS? mavis hobbs:?:
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