Do you have these symptoms and how do you deal with it?

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Nov 12, 2023
uncontrollable biting. Doesn’t matter if it’s a utensil, toothbrush or my finger; when something goes in my mouth I start biting. It’s made oral care very hard. And now my bottom lip keeps finding Its way between my teeth and getting bit. I now grind my teeth too.

Ocular fixation. Sometimes my eyes get stuck and I can’t look away. But there’s other times when I can’t open my eyes.

Itching. If I sit in one spot and don’t move for a long time, then I’m itchy when I finally move. The elastic from my clothes seems to dig into me. And the sudden change in blood flow to those areas makes it itchy. But I can’t scratch it, so it drives me wild and sometimes makes it hard to breathe.

Poor circulation. When I was still able to walk, I noticed mottled coloration on my legs. Now, I can’t walk and blood is pooling in my feet turning them purple and ice cold.

Dry skin. I now have dry peeling skin on my face, ears and scalp.

Shivers. I get a tickle in my ear that causes me to shiver. When I was able to walk, it was so strong that it would make me fall.

Insomnia. I am a side sleeper. But I can’t reposition myself easily. And my left leg hurts, I’m assuming from poor circulation. I can’t get in a comfortable position to sleep. But sometimes it’s an ache in my left leg that wakes me up and then I have to move it around to make the pain go away.
Hey there,
I am still walking but my circulation is terrible! It always has been bad but I think it’s definitely worse post diagnosis.
I can also relate to the shivers - not necessarily from an itch in my ear, might be from out of nowhere but I’ve also nearly fallen from it… it’s so strange!
I’ve always thought that was related to the hyper—reflexes?
And I don’t get pain in my leg but it goes numb/pins and needles in the one leg that wakes me up if I’m sleeping on my back… oh how I miss sleeping on my tummy!!!
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