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Jun 3, 2011
Learn about ALS
Hi there,

I have a question about the EMGs and twitching. The muscle twitches I get are very sporadic and short in duration. They last about a second. If there is no muscle twitching during needle insertion, will the neurologist miss something? Can this result in a false negative on the EMG?

Thanks for your help. I really appreciate it.
No, with emg's the neurologist is looking for a pattern that is not part of the twitching. That is a separte deal in this process.
NO! The EMG can pick up fasiculations even before YOU can feel them.
Thanks for the replies. I bring it up because I have had a few EMGs and noticed two different ways the neurologists go about them. One way they insert the needle and then immediately have you do some kind of motion to apply force. Then I have had and EMG where the neurologist inserts the needle and waits and just listens and pokes around for a while before they ask you to apply any force. So it made me think they are waiting to see if a twitch happens. Anyway, that's why I asked the question. And it was this EMG where they said they could not rule out a motor neuron disease. So I wasn't sure if this meant the neurologist was being more thorough. I'd like to hope it doesn't mean anything!
I hope so too. Good luck Mike!
Mike, they do get you to keep very still for a few seconds to look for fasciculations. Fasciculations on their own are not a significant abnormality. I have had them only picked up once despite fairly constant twitching 24/7. They are just benign so I don't dwell on them despite my other issues as LMN damage is not evident on EMG.
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