Do I need to buy a backup BiPAP machine?

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Active member
Aug 26, 2007
My father have to use BiPAP machine (Resmed VPAP III ST) 24 hours now. I am worrying about how reliable the machine is. Do I need to buy a backup BiPAP for him? The first was covered by insurance. I think we have to pay out of our own pocket for the backup. Could anyone tell me where I can buy a good priced new or used BiPAP ST? It is very hard to find a ST model on line. Thanks!
Equipment does fail and if he is on it 24/7 it would be an extremely good idea to have a backup. I heard from another person in your same situation that if you ask for a portable one and tell them you need it for when you go out they will supply it but if you tell them you need a backup they won't. Give that a try and let us know how you make out.
I would first try the loaner closet at MDA and ALS associations to see if they have a loaner available.
I agree with Capt Al
I got a loaner from MDA Its very reassuring having an extra for travel as well

I went for about 3 1/2 years with one machine and one night went to bed at 1am and it wouldn't start. Took until 5:30 to get a replacement in blowing snow/ whiteout conditions for new one to arrive from city. Up until that night I never thought of having a backup. I now have a backup and 2 batteries for power. Fortunately up here Gov't pays. I'd be trying to get a second machine if at all possible.

Thanks everybody for the suggestions. I just talked to local ALS association. They do have one in loaner closet. The lady refused to lend it to me. At first, she said she need to loan it to someone who doesn't have one. Then, she said that they don't want to be liable for life or death situation. Will call MDA office tomorrow, the person in charge was out of office today. If they don't want to loan it to me, I have to buy one. From other thread, I learned that Resmed VPAP ST is pretty good. Does anyone know how much it costs?

Thanks again.

Try talking to your insurance company and tell them what I suggested above, it worked for someone else. Try it before you purchase one.
I do have a bipap machine. It is Freddie's old one, even though he only had it for 2 months before he went to a vent.......So if you need it pm me and I will get back to you..........Hope this helps.
... I just talked to local ALS association. They do have one in loaner closet. The lady refused to lend it to me. ... Then, she said that they don't want to be liable for life or death situation.

Thanks again.


"liable"? Have the lawyers won? So people are gonna start dying now because of liability concerns.:x

Hmmm... fight fire with fire. What if you suggested to the ALS Association that they would be liable if they didn't loan it to you and as a direct result your father suffocated to death.

Sorry, a little off topic but this stuff burns me up.

Joel, I forgot to mention it. I am also working on that with the manage care company. It may not be easy. I have looked around. I don't think I have found a portable BiPAP with backup rate yet.

Netty, I sent you a PM.

Tom, thanks for the emotional support!

BTW, does anyone know the make and model of a portable BiPAP ST (backup rate)?


back up bipap

My father had the same situation, we did get a back up. He had a machine fail on him when he was still able to go without it some, it took about 9 hours to get the home health company to bring a replacement. It is never a bad idea to have a back up plan, a back source of power is also something to think about.

My father went home Sept. 2002
Portable BiPap machines?

Hi - I'm new to this forum, but notice several in this thread mention a portable BiPap machine. Hub is on a Resprionics BiPap machine for about 20 hours a day. Right now this limits our time away from home. Today I heard about portable BiPaps that are light weight and perhaps we could get out to a movie. I've searched the Respironics site, but didn't find anything helpful. Can anyone give suggestions and brand names. Thanks.

Also, I noticed many mentioned a PM. Forgive my ignorance, but what is that?
How do I get a BiPap for my mom

Hello everyone. I've been reading the posts about help with breathing and seems that many people are using a Bipap machine. How do you determine when you are in need of one? My mom has had an oxygen test for a few nights and passed, but her breathing is what scares me the most.

Many times during the day she starts gasping for air due to the phlegm problem and it's horrifying for her... Would the bipap machine help?

I feel since my mom was diagnosed and give a peg tube, they just sent us home to cope on our own. Without this website I wouldn't have a clue what to do to help her.

So where do I get this bipap?
Cooklo ... your neuro should prescribe it for you. They should be doing lung capacity tests, in addition to just blood oxygen tests. It's usually prescribed when the lung capacity falls below a certain level (I'm not sure what the numbers are). Ask your mom's neurologist about it.

Another resource would be to see a pulmonologist, but I think you'd be better off with the neurologist, as it should be part of her treatment for ALS. I understand that using the BiPap not only helps breathing, but gives the patient more energy and comfort.

Good luck.
BethU, thank you. I would think the neuro also, but for some reason I don't get that warm fuzzy feeling from her. I will give her a call and ask about the lung capacity test and the Bipap. Thanks so much for your assistance here BethU.
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