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scqal, Odd you mentioned being numb all over when waking up at night sometimes, this happened to me at first, several times, and was pretty weird, but does not happen any more. It's stress or nerves I heard that so many times that I was about ready to beat up the next doc. that said it to me.! It's your nerves means they don't know what's wrong with you! Do you have twitching all the time? My twitching never stops 'ever 'and from what I've read from others does not stop until all of the muscle is gone. Have you been to a cardiologist to see what's going on with the heart? Barry

Itr, I also had hearing loss [when first having symptoms] and when I went to an ear doc. he said I had lost 20% of my hearing, some was do to my age though, 56 at the time. I had ringing in my ears for two mo's and I noticed after awhile I could not understand people to well over the phone anymore. This is not a symptom of als so I don't know what was going on in my case. Barry
I HAD A TETNUS SHOT AND i FEEL ALL MY PROBLEMS WERE FROM THAT SHOT I have rapid heartbeat trouble sleeping neck stiffness muscle pain and then slurred speech now in my arms but it took 6years to go to my arms I have als 8years so I guess it is slow you may have guillle barre from the flu shot or maybe lymes you need a spinal tap emgs mri and blood test hope this helps good luck pat

my symptons also developed after tetanus shot... but i dont have diagnose... still waiting...
One of you said you were diagnosed 5 years after the first symptoms. How is that possible? Can AlS really go undiagnosed for so long?
My first symptom was 10/06, I did not get a definite diagnosed until 02/09. Many drs as well as neuros are absolutely clueless when it comes to als. My symptoms were very strong right from the beginning. After many many doctors, it took 1 good dr to know right away what was wrong with me.:roll:
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