Difficulty eating full meal- why?

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Distinguished member
Apr 20, 2018
I find myself at almost every meal hungry but unable to finish what I am eating. There aren't any swallowing issues, just an inability to keep eating, feeling tired, fullness, bloating, difficulty breating, and a general lack of excitement for the meal. My hands make it difficult to cut food or hold a sandwich, so I try to avoid those sorts of foods or get assistance. But why is it so hard to eat a normal amount or even crave something?

Last night we went to a very special restaurant. I ordered foods I would normally "inhale" including the most amazing salmon and creme brulee. I couldn't finish any of it! By the time we were home, I actually felt slightly hungry but not interested in any kind of snack.

Is there some reason for this? Has anyone else experienced this?

With the ability to chew and swallow still intact, I want to enjoy every minute of it!
(Is this posted in the correct area? Should it be under PALS?)

It is fine here unless you want only answers from PALS.
My PALS mother has the same thing. I'm sorry I don't know what it's about either. And I'm sorry you're going through that experience.
Diane-Really? That's very interesting! Thanks for the input. I'm getting a new pulmonology assessment in February.
Any issues with taste or smell? I seem to be able to eat better when those senses are working well. Or at least I enjoy it more.
No problem with smell and taste.
I can eat just about anything, but it takes a long time. Don’t try to finish with everyone else , just set your own pace and let the others wait, they won’t mind. I find it takes me about an hour to finish a whole meal and a drink. I can not talk so all that time is spent eating and I still enjoy every bite. Last night it was a burger, salad and a Pepsl I enjoyed it all and at home so no rush.
What I have noticed is my stomach pouching out because of weakening abdominal muscles. This seems to contribute to a feeling of bloating and also feeling full after only a partial meal. If I take my time, I get through the meal but it takes me way longer than usual. I used to scarf down my meals.

I also second Diane’s and Firefighters’ comments.
Eating can cause fatigue, you feel the need to eat faster, because everyone is done eating, and you're not. Learn to eat at your own pace. Ask for help if you need it. Try eating small meals more than the normal 3 times a day.
My breathing is pretty compromised. I find that I cannot eat a large meal because breathing is much harder if I eat too much. Small, calorie dense meals have allowed me to keep my weight on.

So, always start with desert. If there is room left over, go for the entre;).

All good suggestions. Also, even small issues with nasal congestion can impede smell and therefore taste as it gets harder to blow your nose fully, esp. in dry weather. No harm in trying a nasal steroid like Nasacort, when you get up and/or just before bed.

And alternating solids and liquid may reduce the feeling of fullness a bit.
Hi, Cathy. In addition to the helpful comments above about breathing, taking your time, eating smaller meals, etc., a couple thoughts:

Have you started any new medications, or anything which might affect your salivation? My appetite and interest in food has been strongly affected by some drugs.

Are you experiencing increased anxiety? (No need to answer that.) Perhaps some form of THC might relieve that and also increase appetite.

I understand what you mean about wanting to enjoy the ability to eat while you're still able, and I hope this condition is only temporary.

Best regards,
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