What 'one' remembers depends upon where you lived. I remember; operators-party lines; ice boxes-ice delivered in delivery vans according to the sign placed in one's window. He'd give kids a small piece if one of the blocks was broken...
Also-playing; marbles; jacks; hop scotch; a tisket-a-tasket; duck-duck-goose; 'cops and robbers'; hide and seek; musical chairs; mumbly-peg; Old Maid; checkers, Skunk, Touring, Cootie, Cake Walk, etc...
Milk delivered to the home with cream
floating on top with cardboard circle cap; when margarine was 'colored' by breaking the color bubble in the bag and smooshing it around till mixed; housewives wearing aprons; food was cooked at home; ice
cream came in cardboard by quarts and pints; penny candy
; candy cigarette's; all-day suckers; jaw breakers; real 'Double-Bubble' chewing gum and bubble blowing contests with friends, etc...
tipped their hat, helped a woman on and off a chair and coat, opened door's, picked up whatever they dropped, refrained from vulgar/obscene talk especially around females and children; took their family on Sunday
drives , sealed 'contracts' via handshake etc...
Power outages? Lite candles or kerosene lamps.
Last but not least, heat
the house with 'Stoker coal'. One winter
we shoveled 13 tons into a 5 gallon bucket, one shovel-full at a time equaling 26,260 pounds.
You've guessed it, I'm a Dinosaur
Happy belated birthday, KimT. And every one else, too.