MS directly causes paraylisis and weakness, in turn that causes disuse of muscle, that in turn causes atrophy.... Now, if atrophy is due to disuse of muscle over a period of time, than EMG would not show abnormalities...... The thing is if your muscle wastes because of disuse, you can regain it back.... But, MS causes debilitating paraylsis, so if you become paralyzed for good than it would be impossible to "grow back" your muscle. It is like ALS in reverse... ALS causes continual muscle deterioation that eventually causes paralysis... MS causes direct paraylsis, that then can cause muscle atrophy... Hopefully if you do have MS it is the kind that remits and allows you to work your muscle back up.. Now, NCS would be abnormal in long standing MS, so much so that the pain/sensations/lack of sensation; from dying peripheral nerves would be more noticeable than the atrophy of muscle.