Daughter of Mom with ALS

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New member
Dec 6, 2007
Loved one DX
Hi all, my name is amanda. im a college student in NJ..my mom was diagnosed about 4 years ago with ALS...basically its the hardest thing ive ever had to deal with. but im not going to say its the worst. it has made my family so strong and so close. ill be posting alot more soon (college finals week this week). i have alot of experience with taking care of my mom and making sure she lives each day to the fullest. i have experienced her whole journey, from when she was perfectly healthy, to when she started coming down with mystery symptoms, and EVERYTHINGG else along the way.. if u have any questions. feel free to contact me!
Hi Amanda, just read your post. Your mom is so lucky to have a wonderful, caring daughter like you. I have to agree with you, Als does bring the families closer. May God bless you and your mom, and I will be looking forward to your posts! Welcome!

Hey there little girl. Welcome to our little part of the world. Hope we can be of some help.
Great Place to be Amanda.. Lots of people here who can help you.. Welcome to the most important forums in the world.. The ALS Forums..:)
Hi Amanda- so nice to "meet" you. You sound like a woman with courage and grace. Good luck with those finals! Cindy
Hi Amanda,

Im new to this site too....my mom also has ALS. She was diagnosed 3 years ago, and hasnt walked in two years. I cant really "care" for her. I used to bath her etc, but now she needs more than I can give. I have 3 kids and work full time, so......I cant do alot for her personal care, but I have taken over in every other part of her life, house, bills, decisions etc. Just wanted to say hello....Ive never talked to others in this situation in the whole 3 years, and Im finding it helpful just reading about others.

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