Hello everyone,
I just wanted to give you an update on my dad so you all could be praying for him and my family. Dad went into respitory failure on Tues. evening. His carbon dioxide levels were extremely high so they tried having him use a bipap. That was not working, so we had to make a decision on whether to put a ventilator in or not. If we did not put it in, he would die. We decided to have the vent put in. He had been heavily sedated, but yesterday started opening his eyes and responding to our questions. He gave us a thumbs up and peace sign, and the docs think that he is mentally all there. Probably even better than before because the carbon dioxide levels were making him very doped up, and since those are down he will be more alert and aware. He is getting a feeding tube later this afternoon. The next step more than likely will be a trach. Dad has always been able to walk around fine, but they noticed one of his feet has started to drop.
We thought we were going to lose him, and it was the scarriest moment in my life. We are all haning in there together, but I have never felt such pain and saddness in my life. My two brothers and I are taking turns spending the night in the hosiptal with him and my mom. My mom has not left his side. She is such an angel. We could use your prayers for strength, courage, and for my dad's body to heal from all the probing and surgeries. Thank you for all of your encouraging words. You all make me feel so much better with the advice that you give.
I just wanted to give you an update on my dad so you all could be praying for him and my family. Dad went into respitory failure on Tues. evening. His carbon dioxide levels were extremely high so they tried having him use a bipap. That was not working, so we had to make a decision on whether to put a ventilator in or not. If we did not put it in, he would die. We decided to have the vent put in. He had been heavily sedated, but yesterday started opening his eyes and responding to our questions. He gave us a thumbs up and peace sign, and the docs think that he is mentally all there. Probably even better than before because the carbon dioxide levels were making him very doped up, and since those are down he will be more alert and aware. He is getting a feeding tube later this afternoon. The next step more than likely will be a trach. Dad has always been able to walk around fine, but they noticed one of his feet has started to drop.
We thought we were going to lose him, and it was the scarriest moment in my life. We are all haning in there together, but I have never felt such pain and saddness in my life. My two brothers and I are taking turns spending the night in the hosiptal with him and my mom. My mom has not left his side. She is such an angel. We could use your prayers for strength, courage, and for my dad's body to heal from all the probing and surgeries. Thank you for all of your encouraging words. You all make me feel so much better with the advice that you give.