Curious About Symptoms, if this could be ALS. 33M

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Dec 7, 2024
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New Braunfels
So to start, I have a history of neurological symptoms. Starting in 2010 when I was 19 I was outside working finger went numb, that night neck went numb, next day I was dizzy, tingling all over, numb in many different spots, crazy nerve symptoms..this lasted off and on for 3-4 years. After that I just never felt right, about 6 years ago I was diagnosed with a hiatal hernia which caused many many uncomfortable symptoms, and makes me feel sick..pretty much daily. 1 year ago I got Covid which also left me with a greal deal of symptoms, including Muscle pains, worsened fatigue, stomach issues, etc. These arent ALS related, just setting the groundwork. I have also dealt with anxiety which generally comes secondary to some of the symptoms I experience

I know this also isnt consistent with ALS, but I've always been...shaky, over the last 5-6 years I've dealt with many tremors, espcially when laying down my legs will have some heavy vibrations, they have worsened over the last few years. I've also had years of fatigue, and have gotten out of shape due to all this, but I have dealt with some weakness of years.

Where I am concerned is, that all of the muscular symptoms I deal with feel like they have worsened over the last 12 to 18 months. I feel like I am getting way more spasms than I ever used to over the last 12 to 24 months. I am a simracing eSports competitor, and I notice gripping the steering wheel sometimes my chest muscles will spasm, I notice some facial muscle spasms, etc.

After Covid I deal with so much muscle pain, but what im also dealing with is..a tight feeling. Like my right arm, can I move it around? Yes, but it also feels very tight, like lifting it straight up, it feels like im pushing through resistance, same for certain positions holding my mouse.
When I try to stand up, I've never had a failure trying to stand up, but my legs around my knees do feel a bit wobby sometimes, it just feels like my body has gotten tighter. It feels like my muscles are also pulling so much easier than they used to also. Like stretching in bed yesterday I pulled a muscle bigtime in my rib or stomach, yawning my lower jaw will feel like it pulls sometimes. Feels like muscles hurt bad or pull when I move my arm in a strange position, etc.

Also for example, I went bowling with a friend 2 months ago, I had severe muscle hip pain, and it felt like my leg was about to give out each time I threw the ball about halfway through the 2nd game. Overall things are just feeling so much weaker, and its left me highly concerned. Even earlier I was just moving my right arm around a lot, and now the bicep hurts and feels week. Its almost like my whole body is "Crunchy" for lack of a better term.

I have been diagnosed with "likely" Long Covid and POTS, so I know that did have an effect...I've had CBC, full blood workups, they come back normal. I am going back to my doctor next week , but all of this has been on my mind because it feels like I've just gotten so much weaker, even in the last year or so. I am not dropping things, dont have drop foot, dont believe im having any issues with speech, swallowing...maybe, but its not big if it is. I am still able to perform long sim races at a decent level though thats not exactly the hardest of workouts. It has been years since I've been to a neurologist, but just feeling so much weaker and things feeling tighter, and spasms, and yea.
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Doesn't sound like ALS to me. LC with POTS is certainly associated with weakness, stiffness, and dizziness. I would advise keeping a food/med diary with another column on what you feel and what you are able to do. Often there are triggers that you can influence and help yourself gradually get better.

Not to hijack, but as a general note, Covid vaxx are in drug stores all over the country. If you haven't gotten one this season, wait 3 months past your last infection and go get one. Vaxx don't protect against getting Covid that long (masks do more) but they definitely reduce the incidence of long Covid.
Yea, its just frustrating, because theres periods where im like "ok im fine" then other periods where im feeling so weak and I guess more heavy than weak that. I do notice too that I have a harder time talking and getting my voice out...but thats also common of a hiatal hernia which I have.
Never hurts to get a second opinion on the hiatal hernia if symptoms are not well controlled.
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