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New member
Mar 16, 2019
Learn about ALS
Hello everyone. First of all, I would like to sat that I’m really sorry you have to go through this awful disease and that I’m keeping in you in my prayers. And thank you so much for all the reassurance you provide people who are struggling with getting diagnosed or are just simoly worried about this.

I’m also really sorry that I’m posting this, but I can’t read anymore anxiety-building, non-informative articles on google.

So for the past year or so I had bad cramps in my calves whenever I try to tighten my calf muscles. Also I had some difficulty walking as in after some time it starts to hurt. Lately I noticed that muscles in my arm got weaker (I think) as in if I’m trying to blow dry my hair after some times it getsore difficult to hold a fan.

I wouldn’t have even though about ALS as I know this are not USUALLY first symptoms (and also I’ve read the importan note on this site), but after googling my symptoms the only thing that pops up is ALS.

Thank you for your time, and once again, sorry for bothering you with this, I know all of you have enough on their plates. xx

p.s. i’m 20 years old female and I also know that chances of me having als are smaller than chances of me getting sttuck by lightning
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Google is far from infallible, as you know. You have not described ALS.

Most often, feeling weaker than usual and/or cramps relate to hydration, stress, sleep and/or diet. So those are four good things to work on. You call it "symptoms." I call what you describe a wake-up call to do something different to be nicer to your body.

Try not to worry, and definitely stop googling. If you find yourself unable to do something you used to, it would be time to see your doctor.

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