Could someone help with terminology

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Distinguished member
Dec 28, 2006
East Coast
I am still waiting on more tests to be ordered but I do have a copy of the clinic Dr.'s letter to my GP. They were leaning towards a myopathy type thing until the pathology of the biopsy came in as more of a neurological problem.....when that happened any discussion was stopped and I have been waiting for more tests since.
Anyway here are terms in the letter that some I just don't understand the meanings of, if someone would mind helping me to understand I would appreciate it.
- reduced right peroneal and tibial motor amplituedes without significant conduction slowing.
- fibrillations in the right gastrocnemius
- borderline small motor units were present in a number of upper and lower limb muscles.
- units were a bit large in the right hand muscle
- vibration slightly reduced on fingers and toes
I did understand the wasted muscles, small hamstrings etc. I have reduced and absent ankle jerk. Some other things that were explained to me by GP, just mostly the EMG stuff I don't understand.
Any help understanding would really be appreciated. I have started physio but we are limiting it till we have more direction as to what this could be. I am hoping the biopsy sample has or will be sent to the clinic soon. The paper work for the clinic requested MRI is supposed to be put in soon. The waiting is hard :confused:
Willow, it's no doubt hard. I am set to go thru monday same thing.

reduced motor amplitudes are from basic nerve death / decreased motor units to fire

fibrillations are electrical activity (sounds like a clock ticking), which comes from a muscle, where the nerve has "detached" and the muscle is firing spontaneously, looking for the nerve and when the needle hits that area, the muscle starts reacting. This is a common finding in MND...but is also found in myopathies.

I can't help on the other, but there is a website that explains EMG findings. i will look for it and post it for you.. It has all the characteristics of EMG finding and is understandable.

Hang in there, it's tough...



Willow said:
I am still waiting on more tests to be ordered but I do have a copy of the clinic Dr.'s letter to my GP. They were leaning towards a myopathy type thing until the pathology of the biopsy came in as more of a neurological problem.....when that happened any discussion was stopped and I have been waiting for more tests since.
Anyway here are terms in the letter that some I just don't understand the meanings of, if someone would mind helping me to understand I would appreciate it.
- reduced right peroneal and tibial motor amplituedes without significant conduction slowing.
- fibrillations in the right gastrocnemius
- borderline small motor units were present in a number of upper and lower limb muscles.
- units were a bit large in the right hand muscle
- vibration slightly reduced on fingers and toes
I did understand the wasted muscles, small hamstrings etc. I have reduced and absent ankle jerk. Some other things that were explained to me by GP, just mostly the EMG stuff I don't understand.
Any help understanding would really be appreciated. I have started physio but we are limiting it till we have more direction as to what this could be. I am hoping the biopsy sample has or will be sent to the clinic soon. The paper work for the clinic requested MRI is supposed to be put in soon. The waiting is hard :confused:
Hi Willow,

Your gastrocnemius is your calf muscle.

Best wishes,
Thanks for the responses....I did know about the calf muscle but appreciate the insight and look forward to that site that explains things in lay terms. Good luck with your tests and thanks again.
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