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Feb 4, 2018
Learn about ALS
First off, my story... I’m a white, 29 year old male, and in the middle of December I started developing headaches. The headache was so intense I had to go to the ER at UAB in Birmingham, AL. They found a “small” vascular benign lesion in my left frontal lobe. The neuros sent me home and just suggested I get a follow up MRI at the end of February to make sure it’s not growing. Since then I have had some extreme anxiety attacks and have spent 99% of my time on Google. BUT... I do honestly feel like I’ve got some sort of dementia or memory loss/brain fog constantly. And now... tongue fascis, even at rest. There are only 2 noticeable pulsating areas that do it, but never the less they are there. I have had pulsating fascis off and on in other places all month long.

I have no signs of weakness in legs or arms. No atrophy either. I feel a little in easy when I walk. I mostly chalk it up to anxiety legs... other symptoms include a slight tremor, paranthesia in head/legs and extreme insomnia.

I understand that anxiety and stress can cause these issues, but I’ve also read that onset bulbar and FTD are the most common MND and FTD combination. I recently woke up with a choking feeling and gasping for air... is this possible or probable at my age? Also, I went to my gP and another ER visit for headaches and anxiety. They both diagnosed me with depression and anxiety and said I need to see a psych.
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I refer you to the "READ BEFORE POSTING" thread pinned at the top of the DIHALS subforum:

Continue to work with your doctor to figure out your not at all in any way related to ALS symptoms. I am glad you will be visiting with a psychiatrist. They can help tease out what symptoms can be attributed to anxiety, can be enhanced by anxiety, or which are strictly physical and need further attention.

Best of luck
Thank you for the reply. Maybe I should have elaborated on my symptoms a bit more. I don’t slur any words, but I definitely sound nasally from time to time. Also, I get facial fascis from time to time. I also read multiple studies that said sleep apnea was a key symptom of bulbar onset. Is this true?
Most clear case I've ever read, thanks. See the psych and forget about ALS. bulbar or otherwise. Do it soon before you work yourself up into self-destructive behaviors.
Do you have a sleep study demonstrating central sleep apnea? That can have a number of causes some of them being neurological but there are other causes too and iodiopathic central sleep apnea happens too. Even if you have documented central sleep apnea I would not leap to ALS.

Most sleep apnea is obstructive and I have never seen it linked to ALS. If you have a clinical study demonstrating this please post the link.

I agree with Mike and Fiona in their comments
Thank you, Nikki, for your reply. I don’t have any documented sleep studies on myself. I just noticed over the past couple of months I have woken up out of breath or almost like I was choking. I also woke up 2 montnings having what I thought was a panic attack, freezing and shaking. My main concern now are these fascis on my tongue and the insomnia. I can move my tongue all around and push against my cheeks with force and stick it all the way out. I just wonder why I’m having these issues. I really appreciate all of your replies. I do understand your time and efforts are extremely whole hearted and valuable.
To clarify my request for a link you stated you had read multiple studies linking sleep apnea and bulbar ALS. Please provide a link so we know ehat you are talking about.
Old studies done before BiPAP came up as standard tx are not revealing. Sleep studies in PALS with or without BiPAP can show centrals in the absence of a backup rate, obstructions secondary to airway collapse, etc. However these results are highly dependent on how much air the lungs can exchange and move, even before you get outside the lungs. And all this depends on which muscles are weak. Of course, bulbar onset more often manifests w/ breathing issues than limb onset, but that doesn't line up with CSA signaling ALS, as Nikki points out.
In reply to the name of the thread, ABSOLUTELY NOT! I have no idea how you wound up here. This is a forum for people who are dying. We, believe it or not, have zero time to massage your neuroses. Get help with anxiety.
I do apologize if I come across as insensitive. I am really just extremely concerned. I feel like my jaw is locking up and my lips are shaking. Last night I felt like I couldn’t clear my throat no matter what I did. I’m still having tongue flutters. I keep checking it every 5 minutes.
As EVERYONE has said, you don't have ALS, and you have mentioned NOTHING that might possibly become ALS. A psychiatrist is your best best.
Thanks for the replies. One last question... are tremors not a part of ALS? My hands have been shaking so bad I can’t hardly type or hold a phone still. Also, my neck is stiff now... not only in the back but also in the front. My tongue is also still twitching. I just feel like these could be beginning symptoms. Fasciculation a have gotten worse all over. I’ve read that the start of LMN issues present themselves with Fasciculations all over. Parasthesia in the legs and hands also.
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If I were you I would follow up with my doctor about the anxiety. It's far more likely the cause of all of your symptoms than ALS.

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