Could it be......?

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New member
Jan 24, 2022
Learn about ALS
Caerphilly, Abertridwr
Thanks for the opportunity to post here.
I have had health anxiety for many years, but feel that my symptoms may be more than that.
I noticed weakness in my legs around 6 years ago, but it gave me little trouble. 4 years ago, my legs gave way and dropped me on the floor. 3 years ago I fell twice for the same reason. I've never been particularly fit - as asthma and a bout of septic arthritis 7 years ago has generally stopped me from working out. But now find stairs incredibly difficult, and weakness in legs is v significant. I saw some general medics around 3 years ago, who thought there was no cause to refer anything on. I am having some physio at present, and will likely be assessed by a clinical specialist soon. My therapist hasn't been that concerned so far, but possibly that will change.
I have the odd 'twitch' around my body, and some mouth symptoms (not speech - but this could possibly be down to anxiety symptoms).
My concern of ALS is becoming all-encompassing, and I am causing my family a great deal of anguish.
I know this isn't much to go on, but would be grateful for any thoughts ?
As you say not much to go on. You mention sudden falls 4 and 3 years ago. ALS is a progressive disease. If the cause of these falls was ALS one would expect them to continue and then progress to an inability to walk and then to stand. It wouldn’t get better. Also ALS generally starts in one limb progresses there for a while and then moves to another area

of course you need to see a doctor and get examined but from the little you have shared I wouldn’t focus on ALS
I'm sorry to see you have been having issues for some years and it must be very concerning.
It sounds as though your doctor has been examining you and working with you on some of the problems as you are seeing a physio. They are usually very perceptive about weakness, and will be able to tell if the therapies they give you are making any improvements for you.
I would suggest you have a very open discussion with your doctor and discuss your concerns so they can be addressed in context of your actual situation.
I can't see a single thing that would even remotely suggest ALS, but there could by many things going on, including this all being related to the diagnosed issues you already know about.
Please do discuss your deep concerns with your health professionals so they can be fully addressed.
Thanks for your replies. I so appreciate your advice.
I feel bad about bothering you guys with my concerns - but I guess that's one of the purposes of the forums. My GP has finally agreed to refer me to a neurologist - but in the UK, it will likely be many months before I see anyone. In the meantime, my leg weakness seems to be getting worse.
My family have told me that it couldn't be als, as it would now have started to affect other limbs rather than just my legs. Thing is - I know this isn't really the case, and also I am starting to get pain in fingers and in wrist etc. Of course, I have googled much over the years sadly, and have read that als doesn't directly cause pain - but then I read that it can. I guess there is no hard & fast rule in terms of pain? D x
ALS does not cause pain in its own right. It's the pain of immobility and pressure that applies to ALS in later stages.

Nothing you have reported resembles ALS. Whatever you have is likely treatable given the timeline you describe. Stop googling, keep living --be present for your family.
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