The Functional Rating Scale described above does not really seem to measure weakness, does it? Most of the questions relate to other functions. Is there a scale that directly measures arm, leg, strength, etc?
I also have another question that I need help with. I am feeling very desperate about my condition. It seems that everyday a new change takes place and I am becoming weaker in various parts of my body. My right arm feels as though it isn't there, it has become difficult for me to do things with that arm and hand. Both fatigue very quickly and I am having some coordination problems in the right hand. I am a teacher and I am finding it challenging to stand in front of students for long periods of time. I don't even know if I am going to be able to make it through the end of the semester with the type of overall weakness I am experiencing. I am now having difficulty walking. All of this has happened within the last month! One month ago, I was living life and planning for the future. Now, the future looks very bleak. Since I am alone, I cannot discuss this with anyone.
Considering the specificity of the Escorial criteria, I don't see how I can have anything other than ALS, if I apply the criteria listed on that protocol. 1) Lower motor neuron signs in two or more limbs (I have experienced fasciculations in arms, legs, chest). 2) Upper motor neuron signs in at least one region (weakness in right arm, wrist, hand and also stiffness in right hand). 3) Progression of the disease defined as increasing symptomatic impairment by history (for me the progression has been fast!).
One more thing, and I hope you don't think I am strange. I believe in God and consider the following event His letting me know what the future holds. I was discussing the period of old age with my class and a student raised her hands about a relative of hers who had planned for retirement, but became unexpectedly very sick. As she was talking I thought to myself that if she says that her relative has ALS, then it is a sign for me as to what I have. Sure enough, she said Lou Gehrig's disease. I guess it doesn't become clearer than that, does it.
If any of you would like to send private messages, please do so. A couple of you have been kind enough to do this already.