Corestem's Neuronata-R

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Distinguished member
Oct 25, 2016
Loved one DX
Across all verticals, not just health care, these syndicated reports feature very low-level analysts, for whom English is seldom a first language (not that there's anything wrong with that, but sometimes they read what's easy or don't grasp nuance) trying to fill a page count. They are generally rife with half-truths and inaccuracy.
Oh that's really interesting... I wouldn't think that from a company like Business Wire. The article says it was from Dublin... but yes they probably had their wires crossed.

It's also a Korean company with the drug, apologies - i was looking at the link on my phone and didn't have Google Translate enabled.
Business Wire is a paid outlet. You can send them anything and as long as your credit card is good, they will release it. Same goes for PR Newswire.
Business Wire is a paid outlet. You can send them anything and as long as your credit card is good, they will release it. Same goes for PR Newswire.

Sounds like a great way to present a scam. Group your therapy in with two legitimate drugs to add legitimacy to yours.

You are a great gate keeper Laurie. I think we should design a video game based on you. "Laurie theTruth Warrior" has a nice ring to it.
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Kind words, Ted, thank you.

Here is more background about Neuronata®. I haven't studied it and wasn't commenting on its efficacy as much as pointing out that the syndicated report it was mentioned in, is inherently suspect, so I would not give it any face validity on that basis.
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Thank you so much Laurie. You have saved us so much time and money with your expertise.
To be clear, the article does not make any outrageous claims, really more about the company and hope for a future breakthrough. Still seems a bit fishy to position it with approved drugs.
The positioning with more broadly-used treatment was the work of Datamonitor, the firm that authored the report, not Corestem. To give you an idea of the economics of these reports, this one, on ALS, is 32 pages and $16,500 to purchase.

The Corestem product is approved in Korea based on Phase II results, small and limited trials to be sure.

Corestem has also purchased an Israeli firm toward an ALS franchise.
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