Continued bulbar/swallowing/voice concerns - please help

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May 24, 2020
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I’m sorry - I can’t post in my last thread because it was closed. I had some initial questions about bulbar onset previously, and I am still worried.

as I think I mentioned in my prior post, my throat felt constricted and I felt like I had to take deeper breaths for satisfaction. There is definitely a globus/lump in my throat. I talked to my pcp about it last Tuesday but obviously checking out respiratory type issues in office isn’t really possible. She dismissed it as anxiety, prescribed me lexapro and Ativan, and also suggested I try to treat GERD as well.

My symptoms worsened all week, where it felt like I was struggling more to swallow. I can swallow, both food and water, but it just feels like it’s getting stuck/interfering with the lump in my throat.

I’ve heard from a few of you, particularly Laurie (you are so patient and wonderful), and I’ve read the sticky posts and a number of other comments in here. I’m still worried. I’ve read in some medical journals that ALS can present with vocal changes (harder to speak louder, etc). I am experiencing this quite a bit. No slurring or anything like that, but volume is tough. I also read in some medical journals about ALS patients being misdiagnosed with GERD initially (when in fact it was bulbar onset).

I realize I probably sound crazy. I went to the ER last night because my symptoms were unbearable - bloodworm was normal, CT of neck normal, and an ENT briefly did a scope through my nose and that was normal. Obviously none of that rules out ALS. I’m still having a hard time breathing easily and talking at a normal volume, and I tried to eat some cereal but couldn’t eat more than a few bites. Felt weird and kind of nauseous going down, same with water. I have emailed my PCP and asked about an EMG but am still waiting to hear.

is there anything else I should do to rule out ALS? I know I sound crazy and fixated and truly I’m working on the anxiety component - the lexapro will take time and the Ativan just doesn’t seem to be helping. In the absence of discovering a problem last night, I’m just so worried it’s something far more serious.

I thank you in advance for your patience. I’m scared. I’m trying to be prepared for all outcomes. Also I’m 41/female in case I haven’t previously mentioned. I’m not experiencing any other more common symptoms but these medical journals habe me really on edge.
If your symptoms are unbearable, but there is no evident physical cause, it's time to look more closely at your mind and seek peer support. Since we focus on ALS, which you do not have, please make use of the three health anxiety resources below where there are other people with similar concerns. If an EMG would help you put your fears to bed, you are free to pursue it, but if you would not believe it, there is no point.

Closing this thread. Please do not start another. Your best support lies elsewhere.

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