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Jul 15, 2008
Learn about ALS
Panama City
I am wondering if I may have ALS. I have started twitching all over my body. Today my tounge started twitching visibally twitching. My mom and my husband could see it. I have been having the twitches in my legs in my arms even my back. The only weakness I've noticed has been when walking up the stairs at the courthouse (I'm a paralegal) I'm really scared as I have 3 boys. I'm 33 today and just freaking out. I go to the neurologist next week. Do you guys think it could be ALS?

It could be sooooo many different things. (Stress, anxiety, too much caffine, medications, lack of sleep.)
It might be benign fascilation syndrome.
How long have you been twitching?
I would put ALS to the back of my mind.
Try not to stress it will make the twitching 10x worst.

Hang in there,
The twitching has been going on for about two months. But it has gotten worse the last couple of weeks. My aunt who is an rn told me to try magnesium and potassium pills so I got those today and started one of each. I also have a feeling in my arms, hands, and sometimes feet of the only way I can describe is like they are half way asleep not completely but like halfway... I know that sounds crazy. Does anyone know of anything else that could cause your tongue to twitch?
Sorry to hear you have concerns about ALS. It took 5 years for me to get a DX
There is no way we can tell you that you have it. It can be anything. You need alot of test before ALS will be ruled in or out Sorry.

When my husband first started twitching it wasn't just twitching you could see, no matter where i touched his body it was like his whole nervous system was on overload. I could feel it under his skin. But he couldn't feel it unless it was visible.
I am wondering if I may have ALS. I have started twitching all over my body. Today my tounge started twitching visibally twitching. My mom and my husband could see it. I have been having the twitches in my legs in my arms even my back. The only weakness I've noticed has been when walking up the stairs at the courthouse (I'm a paralegal) I'm really scared as I have 3 boys. I'm 33 today and just freaking out. I go to the neurologist next week. Do you guys think it could be ALS?

Make sure you get all the tests, no point getting worried before that...PLEASE let us know the outcome.... thinking of you....jennifer
Hi michelle,

Hang in there! I know how you feel! I have 3 kids also and all the twitching, even on my tongue a little. It is such a strange thing to have develop. I twitched so bad the first 3 months that I never thought it would stop. The last few weeks it has gotten alot better. I dont feel them like I use to at all. they are now random twitches, still there but not to the same degree.

See your neuro and take it from there. He will tell you not to worry about als. (they all do) but for your piece of mind make sure they do an emg/ncv. Just my opinion, I am proactive and hate waiting around for them to run the tests when they feel like it. I needed the peice of mind. I had one done in may and my next one will be in November.

take care and try not to worry.

I go to the neuro today. I appreciate all of your replies. I will let you know what he decides to do. Thanks again.
Good luck, Michelle. Looking forward to what you find out.
All the best,

Good Luck, please keep us posted.
Well I went to the neuro and he has ordered an MRI Of the neck, emg and ncv. I will let you know how they all turn out. Thanks!
I'm now confused about the cervical mri that my neuro ordered. He acted like to me that it was to determine if I had a pinched nerve but I now see that doing that can show possible als? Am I correct on that? If so what would show signs of als from that?
I don't know that much about it, but when they did my CSpine MRI, I thought that it was to identify something other than ALS that might present some of the symptoms of ALS. Like lesions or a slipped disk or something that might have caused the weakness in my arm.

I don't think that the MRI can really show that you have ALS.

Like John said, it is too see if there is anything in your neck causing your problems. They can't tell if you if you have ALS thru a c-spine MRI.
Thank you I was confused as ususal.. :-) I go Friday for that. Thanks for the responses!
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