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New member
Nov 29, 2004
Last January I started to get a weird feeling in my nose and then about 3 days later started to get muslces twitched in my leg. It quickly progressed to having twitched all over my body.

I noticed that it doesn't occur when I am doing anything like walking or running etc. But if I lay in bed and stretch that group of muslces will start to twitch after I relax them.

After I sneeze I will get twitched in my upper back area and sometimes in the face.

It's been 11 months and I haven't had any of the other symptoms associated with ALS.

Last May I went to the Dr. and was given a CBC as well as an EKG and Urine analysis and everything came back fine. I haven't been back to the Dr. as it's just the twiches that are annoying.

My question in how long after one feels twitches that the rapid progression of ALS appears?

Should I rule out ALS, or should I take another avenue to try to figure out what these painless twitches are coming from?

Thanks all.
Hi Porkchop. Interesting name I will say. In my case I noticed the twitches in my calf. It spread to the left leg within 6 months. By then I was noticing muscle wasting. Had to move watch band up 2 notches. Losing weight but not inches from belt. Do your twitches look like a bag of worms under your skin and can you feel the movement? It is almost 2 years since I first noticed the fasciculations. They are all over my body except my face. It doesn't really sound like ALS to me but a neurologist should be consulted to rule out stress related illnesses or any of the other motor neuron diseases. Good Luck.
Thanks for the response Al

I can see the muscles twitching under the skin, but the reference to the bag of worms I would have to say no. The twitches only last for a few seconds then it hits a different place on my body. Some days are better then others.

I haven't noticed any lbs lost and everything seems to be normal in that case.

Thank you very much for your reply, I appreciate it.
I hope you stay well, stay strong.

P.S. The name Pork Chop is my little Jack Russell dog. Love of my life.

Hi pork cHop,

i am witH al, my fasciculation felt like an alien living under my skin but do go see a neurologist.

al. tHe fasciculation goes away. boy tHis capital letter tHing gets me.
Yes i have heard the facs. go away but when they do it usually signifies total muscle loss. i'll keep my bag of worms as long as possible thank you very much.
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