Concerned About Symptoms

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Jun 12, 2020
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Been having sporadic muscle twitches since early April, started after intense running and has not completely gone away ever since then. In April when it began I felt it all over both of my legs, mostly the quads, calves, however sometimes after a long walk I would feel crazy spams in my glutes after getting up from sitting for a while. The twitches were non-stop but only when at rest, so sitting or lying down. My concern is that other strange twitches have occurred, which I fear is the "spread". Namely I have gotten random finger twitches, lasting only a few seconds but will swing side to side like a pendulum. Have also felt these twitches in the side of both hands and I will feel like my hands are weak, but when I tried to do something they always respond without failure. I have had significant back and neck pain and shoulder, and now serious ankle and knee pain, as well as pain in most of my finger joints which causes me to believe this could be due to weakness in the associated muscles. I now find the twitches have gone from persistent, to random sometimes going away for several weeks and then coming back again for a few days. Only trigger I can find is when someone works into my lower back like at chiropractor or massage, however an MRI of my lumbar showed nothing of concern.

Also often wake up feeling very shaky, especially after drinking even just a few glasses of wine ( this is not normal for me who used to be a heavy drinker and never once felt this way). I can still lift things as per normal in the gym, have normal to strong grip strength, have not fallen once (live in a house that is mostly stairs) and walk at least 2 hours a day. I sometimes feel difficulty when holding a book out in front of me, but this comes with a pain and tension in my shoulder blades, and I can still read for an hour just feels very uncomfortable and always fear dropping the book. Secondly when I am standing at my desk in the same spot for much more than an hour I feel immense pain in my right leg, almost like it wants to give out. After this occurs, I will be in pain for at least a week mainly in my hip. I seem to find very conflicting information in regards to pain at least the initial stages so not sure if this points away or supports the idea, however the last 3 months I am in more or less constant pain. With no concrete diagnosis, I am very fearful of ***,.This has been my main train of thought for a solid 5 months now and cant seem to focus on anything else in life.
Past thread here: Near Constant Muscle Twitches in Legs

It sounds like you are seeking the help of a doctor if you've been for an MRI. What are the next steps your doctor has recommended? Are you working with a physiotherapist for the pain?
Heavy drinking can take a toll over time. I would make sure you have had labs drawn for liver function, glucose, kidney function, etc. But the pattern you describe does not sound like ALS at all.
Thanks for the response, and yes I had posted a few months ago and forgot about that my apologies for wasting anyone's time. I have been referred to a neurologist, which I was told could take a while but just received news late today that I have a virtual appointment next week. I will request an EMG to set my mind at ease, hopefully once and for all.
Please stop back by with your results -- it helps others.
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