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Yes. Everything I see on this thread says to me that ALS is not a problem in you.

Curiously, while researching this, I saw an article on the spine causing tinnitus--ringing in the ears.
Yes the conduction test has also been made as seen on this picture. Sry can only post the direct link to the photo.(

The doc just told me that cold be something with the back and suggestet an xray. I am just curios that the testing was with some old equipment in croatia to a quarter of a price than in slovenia.

Thank you very much for you answers and help!!
ALS does not attack the heart, lungs or digestive problems. I know it can be confusing because you read that most ALS patients die of respiratory problems so you might assume it is lung failure. In actuality, it is diaphragm failure. If there are issues related to lungs and ALS, it is likely due to pneumonia.

I am not an M.D. but I do hold a Ph.D. in counseling. Let me be clear that I am not speaking to you as a "therapist" but from what you are describing, it sounds like a gastro physiological response to anxiety. Consult a physician to rule out anxiety--Then try counseling and nutrition to mitigate anxiety.
Where are you?

Your profile says you are in New York - are you misleading us?
Thank for answers! I am from Slowenia, Europe. Had no intention of misleading you, just tought at the registration that i can only select us states.
I would ask a new question if you would be so nice. Could muscle atrophy also begin in the back muscles and other torso muscles, like ribs, shoulders,... and in the neck ? Have been hearing strange poping for a while in my shoulders and back area when i move my shoulders back and forth and in my neck.....
I am a big guy with 185 cm and 110 kg of body weight. Seems strange that i can feel my evry rib and the bones in the shoulder area. But could be also possibile that i am noticibg that now when worried.

Have a very nice day!
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