Concern upcoming emg

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Nov 29, 2024
Learn about ALS
Hello, my name is Gilbert, I am 32 years old. This year has been full of worries and constant doctor visits for various reasons. About two and a half months ago, I experienced a very strong headache that lasted for two weeks. During that time, I noticed my first muscle twitch in my left arm. After that, I didn’t feel it again until about two weeks ago, and then my arm started to feel a bit strange.

I decided to make an appointment with my doctor, who prescribed me some pills, and the headache went away, and my arm improved. However, I began experiencing stiffness in both calves, pain in my legs while walking, and sharp stabbing sensations in them. Out of curiosity, I searched my symptoms on Google, and ALS came up, which caused my anxiety to skyrocket.

I went back to the doctor, and she said she didn’t think I had ALS. She recommended therapy and a CT scan of my head. At that time, I decided not to do the CT scan because I thought everything would pass, so I just attended therapy, which helped with the leg pain, although the stabbing sensations persisted.

Two weeks ago, I started experiencing involuntary muscle movements in my arms, beginning with my right arm and later affecting my left arm and legs as well. I decided to visit a different doctor. I explained my symptoms, and she performed a physical exam, which came back fine. She ordered blood tests and referred me to a neurologist, but the earliest appointment is not until February 14.

I went ahead and did the CT scan and the blood tests, and both came back normal. What terrifies me is that all other causes for my fasciculations have been ruled out, leaving only two possibilities: ALS or BFS. I haven’t been sleeping well for days. I don’t feel any muscle weakness yet, and I can do everything normally, but I have been feeling a bit fatigued. The fasciculations are more frequent, and I am extremely stressed.

Based on these symptoms, what do you think I might have?
Hi there-

We can not really tell you what you might have, this is not that kind of forum. What we can tell you, based on what you report, is that ALS is not a consideration. You report pain, improvement of symptoms, no clinical weakness or pathological reflexes, so nothing at all like ALS onset. Twitching is very common, so your assumption that it's either BFS or ALS is not correct. There are many conditions, not always neurological, that include twitching, despite what cursory internet searches say. Please read here for more info: Read Before Posting. You will find a list of other things that may be in consideration, but honestly, your doctor is the person to provide you with diagnostic guidance.

Please take care.
Thank you for your answer I have read that article many times to calm myself a little and be able to sleep and if there is a way to make a donation this forum let me know. What worries me is that my fasciculations in the calves do not stop they are there all day only when I walk or I am standing they go away and I also feel them in arms and legs and as they already did blood tests and the ct scan of my head and they did not find anything my anxiety got out of control.
Nonstop movements do not mean ALS. In fact, they argue against it. Calf stiffness/pain is often related to played-out footwear, workouts that ramp up too fast, poor technique, overtraining, electrolyte imbalances, etc. And when I say overtraining, I do not mean that it has to be a marathon or anything, just whatever you do to keep fit.

Try to work on these and if you still need help, a sports medicine specialist might help you. Also, make sure you are getting enough quality sleep, which affects pretty much everything on your list.

If/when you experience the "worst headache of your life," you should still head to the ER for imaging.
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