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Aug 5, 2006
Hi, I'm new here. My mom has als and asked me if I could find out some information for her. She'd like to find out from anyone with als or their caregiver's how to go about communicating when both arms have stopped working, as well as the ability to speak. She's in a hospital at the moment and thankfully still has one fully functioning arm, so is able to communicate with a letter board very well. Are there several options available?
Any info. would be greatly appreciated.
u kidding?

Haven't the docs or clinic sent u to the speach pathologist? START YELLING> my docs are seeing some voice but a lot of hand/arm probs and are starting the case 4 assistive things.
My sentiments exactly. Your mom should be seen by an Occupational Therapist and a Physio Therapist. Have you registered with the ALS Society down there? They can help as well. There are a number of assistave devices that can help her. Keep us posted as to how she is doing and ask if you need more information. AL.
Tracy22- My apologies. I left out some info. in my first post. My mom does have a speech therapist who had set her up with a voice machine, but she found it to be too heavy on her lap. Other than that the speech therapist hasn't discussed anything further with my mom, and is on vacation at the moment.
AL- My mom has a physiotherapist but apparently they're on vacation until the third week of August and they don't have a replacement. Also, my mom has been registered with the als society out here for several months now. I recently phoned them to get information about communication devices and was told that the person I wanted to talk to wouldn't be back until the end of August. Everybody's on vacation....argggg.

So, Does anyone have any information?
take names

keep at these people and take names. There is/are products just right for your mom but like anything you need referals and approvals from your ins. co.....oh is that device she has now on lease or did she buy?

ps. sorry about my typing after 9pm... ambien is kicking in with my other meds
The device she has now is on loan, but she isn't using it at all. She finds it really uncomfortable to have on her lap. Heavy and awkward. So for now the letter board seems to be alright. I'll keep looking into what's available. Thanks for your advice. I really appreciate it!
DONT Know much

DONT Know much about these electronic tablets but they do have mounting brackets that fit on bars that mount on your powerchair. Thus nothing touching her. They have told me Medicare will pick up 80% of cost.

Wish more viewers here that have these would post reviews.
eye gaze system

my dad has bulbar and is losing his speech quite readily now. he has been "fitted" for an eye gaze system, it is a system that allows him to look at a computer screen and the camera scans his eye and he is able to "type" by looking at a keyboard. its is a great system and the computer and camera are mounted on a table so there would be nothing in your moms lap. we are getting this device through the ALS socitey communication department/ Emory University ALS clinic.

good luck. leslie
Leslie, Thank-you for your information. It's the type of information I was looking for. People who are already using certain devices and having success with them. It's one thing to read about a device on the net, and quite another to hear how they actually work out in real situations. Take Care, and thanks again!
Be Sure to Look At Related Threads

Hi: All of you who are looking for suggestions, be sure to look at the "Related Threads" (bottom of this page) for more good posts. I didn't know until just lately to look down at the bottom of the page for these links. :)
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