Hi ... this is Beth again.
Thanks so much for the feedback. Paul, no I'm not on any respiratory gizmos yet ... just had lung function tests two weeks ago, in fact, and all were normal or better than normal for my age/weight. Am still waiting for my first appointment at an ALS clinic, but I will definitely mention the euphoria.
I have experienced some "emotional lability" ... I've had three episodes of hysterical weeping in the past 2 years (2 were before diagnosed, and all were WAY out of proportion to the cause. One was when I was just trying to put a cat in a cage!) Have had no episodes of laughter. The diagnosing neuro kept asking me about that ... was I having bouts of laughing or did I sometimes feel silly? I have not experienced anything along those lines (yet!).
The euphoria feels like being madly in love when you're 18 ... intense joy, happiness, excitement, almost rapture. I'm almost floating! It sneaks up on me and lasts quite a while ... maybe an hour or so, or longer. It's actually quite a lovely state!
This is one mysterious disease, I guess. And the brain is one complicated organ. Thanks again for the feedback. This forum is a life-saver.