Christmas gift ideas?


New member
Dec 13, 2024
Loved one DX

I'm looking for ideas for a Christmas gift for my mom who has ALS.

She was diagnosed just over two years ago and now she is on a ventilator at home. She can't move around on her own, so she's living from her recliner and bed, mostly just using her iPad with the eye tracker. She listens to audiobooks through the library and reads ebooks and watches hulu and YouTube and Great Courses. I think there are a few games she can play--the NYT crossword and Wordle and things like that.

I'm kind of stuck on something to give her for Christmas because there's so little she can do or use on her own, and she already has plenty of like, blankets and cozy stuff (she's constantly too hot from the ventilator and all the pillows propping her up, so that kind of comforting item wouldn't be used). I know that everyone says what they most want is you to spend time with them--but I'm already doing that, and I'm going to continue. So that's not really like, a gift, it's just our normal routine.

I would most like to gift her something that we can do together, but not sure what. A subscription to something we can watch together maybe? (Like back during the height of COVID theaters and ballets would stream their performances online, something like that that comes out on specific dates so there's things on the calendar to look forward to.) Or if there's a board or card game app that we could play together that would be perfect.

I appreciate any ideas you have!
Something you could watch together would be lovely. I know aarp ( which she could join if 50 plus I think) has occasional theater events and movies.
One thing I see often recommended is a digital picture frame.
I've known some bedridden PALS who have had someone come in to give them manicures and pedicures. Magnesium oil, creams, etc. are also nice for massaging feet and hands.

I use my iPad to project photos onto my large screen TV. It's always a hit when friends drop by.
If she is hot in bed with the ventilator, what about a nice quiet retro style fan for her room -- one whose setting that she can control with her eye tracker using one of the smart home platforms? Maybe same for her lights?

Another thought is a game in the cloud like WordFeud that you can play together on the iPad? You can make moves on your phone while visiting or any other time, and she can see them/make her own on the iPad. A lot of games have cloud two-player versions.

There are also tons of PPV events like special concerts, as you say, that are often available as hybrid events. If she likes classical music, check out for available livestreams. Based on her interests, you can probably get ideas for other online events.

In addition, as Kim says, if there's room for a TV screen bigger than her iPad and an AppleTV attached (those can be controlled with her iPad), that could open the door for some different experiences than what she has now.